
First secure the border, then reform the system

R.Campbell31 min ago

Just 100 miles to our east, the Statue of Liberty bears the inscription, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." These words reflect the strength and resolve of a nation built by immigrants who came here legally through places like Ellis Island in New York City and Pier 53 in Philadelphia. Sadly, this sentiment is undermined when lawlessness replaces the very ideals that has made America a model for the world. It's also why today, illegal immigration stands as one of the most pressing threats to our nation's security and sovereignty.

Illegal immigration is more than just people crossing our borders unlawfully. It is about the consequences this broken system brings to our communities. Violent criminals and drug traffickers take advantage of our open border and are putting innocent Americans at risk. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, nearly 2 million "gotaways" have evaded U.S. Border Patrol agents and entered our country illegally. Unfortunately, these criminals are not just impacting border states. This is a crisis adversely affecting every community, including those right here in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

We must prioritize border security to solve this problem. That is why I visited the U.S.-Mexico border earlier this year to see the crisis firsthand. What I witnessed was overwhelming. Border patrol agents are stretched to their limits trying to handle illegal immigrants, many of which are coming from countries hostile to the United States. This is why I fully support a bill called the Secure the Border Act, which would restart border wall construction, increase the number of border patrol agents, and use the latest technology to monitor both our southern and northern borders. It would also put an end to the dangerous "catch and release" policy and make the asylum process fair and manageable. Sadly, my opponent, six-term Congressman Matt Cartwright, voted against this commonsense bill.

Unfortunately, Congressman Cartwright has shown time and time again that his beliefs are not aligned with what Northeastern Pennsylvanians want. Not only did he vote against the Secure the Border Act, but he was also one of the first members of Congress to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris after Joe Biden was forced out of the race. Congressman Cartwright made this endorsement despite Harris calling the border wall a "complete waste of taxpayer money" that "won't make us any safer." His endorsement also came after illegal border crossings reached record highs following President Joe Biden's misguided decision to tap Harris to lead efforts to solve the border crisis.

It's important to realize this isn't just a crisis that is occurring thousands of miles from NEPA. Recently, Scranton became the destination for flights of illegal immigrants orchestrated by the Biden-Harris Administration. These flights were done with little to no transparency, and now local resources are stretched thin to accommodate an influx of illegal immigrants.

All of this is happening while the average household income in Pennsylvania's 8th District is just over $60,000 where federal funding could instead be used to help foster economic growth in our community. Despite this, Cartwright voted against an effort to prohibit federal funding for flights like the ones going into Scranton. We should be using those funds to support our own families and communities, not propping up a broken system that rewards lawlessness.

At this point, Congressman Cartwright's record on immigration is clear, and it isn't what the people of Northeastern Pennsylvania want. I am committed to securing our borders, enforcing the law, and protecting our communities from criminals and dangerous drugs. My focus will be on keeping America safe while welcoming legal immigrants who want to contribute to the success of our great nation. Every town in our district has felt the impact of this crisis, and we cannot afford to ignore it any longer.

It is time for a change. Washington needs leaders who are serious about protecting our borders and keeping our communities safe. Congressman Cartwright has failed in this responsibility. I pledge to put the safety and prosperity of Northeastern Pennsylvanians first by securing our borders and reforming the immigration system so that it works for America and for our future.