
Flowerdale Commons turned out 'better than expected' owner says

Z.Baker44 min ago

TUPELO – After two years of wrangling with opponents to its construction, an apartment complex billed as an affordable housing option has been built and opened to residents in west Tupelo.

Flowerdale Commons, on Colonial Estates Road, was funded through private investors, and also attained Low-Income Housing tax credit incentives from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Britton Jones, the owner of the complex, has multiple apartment complexes in Northeast Mississippi and faced opposition from those who believed the apartments would lower the value of their homes.

The Flowerdale Commons units target "working class" residents making a total gross family income of $60,000. Of the 40 two- and three-bedroom apartments built, all but four have been leased.

"It's a safe place to call home, and it's a beautiful place," said property manager Margart Simpson.

Regional property manager Little Williams said Flowerdale has a two-year waiting list for apartments.

Jones was interviewed by the Daily Journal via email. Here are his responses:

Q The project faced many challenges. Was there any thought given to simply giving up on the project? Or was there consideration to find another site in Tupelo to build?

A. We had so much support from the community and the city that we never considered giving up. We live in North Mississippi, and if we gave up on a project just because a few complaints, we'd never get anything done.

Q. You have several complexes across Northeast Mississippi. Did you face any challenges building them?

A. We have been fortunate to have really strong support for what we bring to communities, and the small opposition we had in Tupelo was an anomaly. And, without fail, once we actually build, most of the same people who complained are contacting us trying to get a unit for their friends and family. That very thing happened in Tupelo, and we love it.

Q. Now that Flowerdale Commons is open, is it what you hoped for in terms of design and execution?

A. Flowerdale Commons turned out even better than we expected. This city government, particularly Mayor (Todd) Jordan and Tanner Newman (director of development services), are pro-business, and they are responsive and adaptable to make sure that the best product is created. That is something folks in Tupelo shouldn't take for granted, and it's why we think Flowerdale Commons is one of the finest communities we have developed.

Q. What is the demand for the apartments/occupancy rate?

A. The demand is very high, and we are pretty much already completely pre-leased. And, fortunately, since we are a private development, we have strict screening measures, so we can ensure that we have a beautiful community with wonderful residents.

Q. What can renters expect to pay for a unit at Flowerdale?

A. Rents are about $750 for a two bedroom and $875 for a three bedroom.

Q. What was the investment in Flowerdale Commons?

A. Flowerdale Commons represented about $10 million invested into Tupelo. Combined that with the other two developments we've done, Tulip Creek and King Pines, and we easily approach $30 million we have been able to bring to Tupelo in the last five years. But, again, it's your mayor and city staff who make developers keep coming back.

Q. Do you plan to build any additional apartments in Tupelo or Lee County? What other projects do you have underway?

A. We don't have any current plans in Tupelo, and our current priority to make sure what we have done is stable and of the highest quality. We currently have new projects going up in Starkville, Grenada, several places in Louisiana, Florida, and Tennessee.

Q. If you had to do over again in Tupelo, what would you have done differently?

A. We are very happy with the results, and, although we faced quite a few obstacles from a few opponents, we are proud of the way we handled ourselves. And, we are thankful that the city stood up and stood for the law.

Q. What is your message to those who opposed the project, now that Flowerdale Commons has been built and is leasing apartments?

A. We would simply say, 'Come visit!' We don't hold grudges, and I would even say that the scrutiny simply made us that much better. We're always happy to work with those that previously opposed us to bring more development to Tupelo, and throughout Mississippi.