
Flying Horse: What makes me happy

M.Davis1 hr ago

Each week, "Flying Horse" features dozens of Central Illinois children's thoughts and drawings on various topics. This week: What makes me happy

Outdoor play: Playing outside makes me happy because I play with my friends, and when we play soccer or four-square it makes me feel very happy and excited. I have about 20 friends in my neighborhood.

Shaunak Singh

Grade 3, Benjamin

Video games: Video games make me happy, my family and friends and other stuff, but mostly video games. But that doesn't mean I like video games more than my family.

Jackson Yoder

Grade 5, Calvary

Vacation: Going on vacation makes me happy because I can spend time with my family. We go to Florida every year on spring break.

Ava Sexton

Grade 2, Corpus Christi

Going to school: Something that makes me happy is going to school.

Siena Rayburn

Grade 1, Epiphany

Important: I love things that make me happy. My family makes me happy. Ballet makes me happy, and my friends. It's very important to have things that make you happy.

Lucy Feltner

Grade 4, Fairview

Pets: Pets make me happy because they do funny stuff. My friends and family, and building Legos.

Noah Diaz

Grade 5, Fairview

My dog: What makes me happy is my dog.

Aliyah Cash

Grade 2, Glenn

Drawing: I like to draw to be relaxed. I like to be creative and an artist; it is so fun. I also like video games and VR sets like Beat Saver. It is sort of exercising. I like to cook. I can make popcorn, toast and sandwiches.

Florence Harper Williams

Grade 3, Grove

Winning games: What makes me happy is when I get a victory royale, when I win a game, and when someone else is happy, when someone gives me something and when someone gives.

Olivia Grace Hicks

Grade 4, Grove

Diving board: Jumping off the diving board makes me happy. Swimming without my puddle jumper makes me happy. Playing with my mom makes me happy.

Garrett Koetters

Kindergarten, homeschool

Many things: My brothers make me happy by playing with me. Games make me happy when they're long. Toys make me happy because you can play with them. It is fun to be happy.

Henry Koetters

Grade 3, homeschool

Reading: Reading makes me happy. Reading calms me. It also makes me feel like I'm in a whole new world. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in a book that I don't hear my mom calling me. There are many types of books. Some types are fiction, nonfiction, and science fiction. Reading is my happy place.

Luke Koetters

Grade 5, homeschool

My grandma: Being with my grandma makes me happy. I like to play with my grandma. She is fun. I like to play hide-and-go-seek with her.

Anniston Hermes

Grade 2, Jefferson Park

Family and friends: Things that make me happy are family and friends. They are nice and never mean to me. What also makes me happy is karate and soccer.

Elliott Soltis

Grade 2, Northpoint

Movies: Movies make me so happy. My favorite movies to watch are "Open Season" and "Monster House." I watch them at home.

Rayan Yasin

Grade 5, Northpoint

Sleepovers: Sleepovers make me happy because I love eating ice cream with my friends and my cousin. We watch a lot of movies that I enjoy. My friends, cousin and I like making bracelets with beads and charms. I love when we play at the park.

Zarianna Clerk

Grade 3, Oakdale

My sister: One thing that makes me happy is my sister. I love playing with her and I love her.

Sophia Senters

Grade 2, Parkside

Summer and fall: Summer makes me happy. Shade makes me happy. Fall makes me happy. Alone times makes me happy. My birthday makes me happy. Friends make me happy.

Gracelyn Kellar

Grade 1, Prairieland

The piano: The sound of a piano makes me happy. I have many concerts at ISU. I practice a very popular song called "Smurf Cat" and "Arabesque."

Oskar Enen

Grade 3, Prairieland

The library: Something that makes me happy is going to the library. It's impossible not to find a wonderful book to read, for there are so many to choose from! Once I find the perfect story I settle down on a cozy chair. I enjoy reading historical fiction, realistic fiction, and mystery.

Sofia Grimany

Grade 5, Prairieland

Happiness: I like to play with my puppy. I like to do dishes. I love to help others. I like playing with my friends.

Adi Arbuckle

Grade 3, Sheridan

Hugs: Giving people hugs and having a sleepover makes me happy.

Ryen Keith

Kindergarten, Stevenson

Fall festival: Fall festival at Stevenson makes me happy. I like throwing the balls at the dunk tank.

Andersen Carey

Grade 2, Stevenson

My family: One thing that makes me happy is family. I feel happy because they give me hugs and we play with my Transformers.

Tegra Muma

Grade 3, Stevenson

My dolls: I am happy when I am playing with my dolls. I have a dollhouse at the basement of our house. I like to go there and play with my dolls.

Heaven Mwpaba

Grade 1, Sugar Creek

Lots of things: I like my teacher. I like chocolate strawberries. I like frogs. I like pink. I like animals.

Kaylee Insley-McCrary

Grade 2, Sugar Creek

My friends: My friends make me happy when I'm sad because they are very kind and very caring.

Henry Anderson

Grade 2, Washington

Jesus: What makes me happy is Jesus and the Bible because the Bible has truth and Jesus is the truth. And my family makes me happy. My friends make me happy. I make myself happy.

Jayne Cox

Grade 3, Washington

Football: What makes me happy is learning about football and learning how it works.

Hunter Morgan

Grade 5, Calvary

Subjects: School makes me happy. Math makes me happy. Reading makes me happy. My friends make me happy.

Mara Glebb

Grade 2, Corpus Christi

Legos: Some things that make me happy are playing Legos. It is fun.

Henry Liggett

Grade 1, Epiphany

My hamster: My hamster makes me happy because she is cute and fluffy. My family, they help me do things in my life; without them I would not be alive.

Anna Borrull

Grade 4, Fairview

Three things: First, my family because my dad plays catch, and my stepmom Rachel has to help throw a lot. Next, music because it makes me calm. Finally, my guinea pig Coco because he lets me hold him and play with him.

Avery Mankey

Grade 5, Fairview

Playing games: What makes me happy is playing the Xbox and playing Roblox.

Charlie Davis

Grade 2, Glenn

School: One thing that make some happy is school because I would be bored at home. If there was no school because my parents are very busy so there is nothing else to do.

Kiaan Chaabra

Grade 4, Grove

A Monopoly game: "Fishin'-Opoly" makes me happy. It is Monopoly but about fishing. The players that you can be are a can, a worm and a hat.

Caison Dailey

Grade 2, Jefferson Park

Ice cream: Ice Cream and playing games make me happy. "Angry Birds" is my favorite game.

Kasey Compton

Grade 5, Northpoint

Birthdays: Birthdays make me happy. I get to go play, too. I get candy. We get to watch movies. We get to listen to music.

Meghan McCaskill

Grade 3, Oakdale

Horse riding: One thing that makes me happy is riding horses. It is fun. I like riding horses because I like animals. Horses are my favorite. I love horses.

Kennedy Sitton

Grade 2, Parkside

Riding a bike: What makes me happy is riding my bike and playing with my dog Sweetie.

Connor O'Leary

Grade 1, Prairieland

Dinner time: I'm happy when I have dinner. I like spending time with my family. It makes me smile. I like eating steak and corn for dinner. It's the best. My favorite part is when we talk about our day. This is my happiest time of the day.

Sloane Robb

Grade 3, Prairieland

Drawing: Drawing puts a huge smile on my face. I love to draw because it calms my nerves. I'm happy to draw everything that's on my mind on a piece of paper instead of storing it all in my head. That way I can focus on homework.

Lena Tabash

Grade 5, Prairieland

What makes me happy: My friends make me happy. My cat makes me happy. My dad makes me happy. My mom makes me happy.

Avery Neal

Grade 3, Sheridan

My neighbors: What makes me happy is when I get to play with my neighbors.

Paisley Reeder

Grade 2, Stevenson

Growth: One thing that makes me happy is school. I feel happy because reading and math will help me grow.

Aryel Ott

Grade 3, Stevenson

Books: Reading makes me happy. I love new books.

Achilles Viruet

Grade 1, Sugar Creek

Free play: Love and free play make me happy. I like to play.

Isaiah Simmons

Grade 2, Sugar Creek

Pool time: What makes me happy is when I am at the pool with my family.

Emma Forgy

Grade 2, Washington