
Forum shows Sunnyvale voters pros, cons of local measures

G.Evans27 min ago

Election forum

The League of Women Voters of Cupertino-Sunnyvale is hosting an online forum Oct. 16 to discuss the pros and cons of measures before Sunnyvale voters in November.

Measure E asks voters to approve the issuance of $290 million in general obligation bonds for renovation and modernization of the Sunnyvale Main Library.

Measure F asks Sunnyvale resident to approve city charter amendments that would eliminate the voter registration/citizenship requirement for members of city boards and commissions; change the required city council meeting frequency from two per month to at least 24 per year, with no more than six weeks between meetings, to provide more scheduling flexibility; and replace gendered references throughout the charter with gender-neutral language.

Voters in the Sunnyvale School District will decide on Measure Y, which would extend the district's current $59-per-parcel tax for eight years. The tax would bring in an estimated $1 million annually to support academic programs, attract and retain quality teachers and keep class sizes small.

A two-thirds vote is required for Measures E and Y to pass unless state Proposition 5 passes, in which case the requirement will be 55%.

The forum is set for 7 p.m. Register and submit questions for the candidates at .

Make a video, win a prize

Sunnyvale students in grades 5-12 are invited to compete in the new American History Video Contest sponsored by the Los Altos Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Winners in four grade-level categories will receive $200.

The video submissions are due Oct. 20 on the theme of the pre-Revolutionary War protests by the colonists against the British due to taxes and laws.

Movie producer Blessing Joao and filmmaker Tony Jonick will help to judge the contest entries. Winner will go on to compete at the state and national level.