
Friday's letters: At least Biden does what he thinks is right for the nation, not himself

K.Hernandez23 min ago

Good faith

I cannot say that I've agreed with Joe Biden's every stance and action while he served as our duly elected president. (Of course, a president's actions or decisions do not please everyone all the time.)

I never doubted for a moment, however, that his statements, actions and decisions as president were motivated by what was, in his honest view, in the best interest of our democracy and our citizens as a whole. That is a basic premise, and Job One, for a president. (This is, to his credit, why he chose not to run again.)

Until recently, observing Mr. Biden's opponent, I had not so clearly realized how completely that individual disagrees with this basic premise.

Jonathan Maxwell

This isn't the way

With all due respect to Walker Sanders and the Community Foundation, I strongly disagree with his assertion that the public should vote for a sales tax increase to support our public schools (column, Oct. 13). A sales tax is a regressive tax. That is a tax that everyone pays no matter their ability.

It falls the heaviest on those who are least able to pay. Public schools should be supported by state income taxes and county property taxes, which come from those most able to pay. Tell your legislators to adequately fund the public schools and quit giving hundreds of millions to wealthy people to send their children to private schools.

Richard Shope

Historic farmers market

An amazing event will happen in Greensboro on Oct. 26. The Greensboro Farmers Curb Market will begin a yearlong celebration of its 150th year. Yes, you read that correctly. The Farmers Curb Market has been a Greensboro fixture since Ulysses Grant was president. This is the oldest farmers market in North Carolina and one of the oldest in the country.

I encourage the entire city to join the celebration and shower some love on this much-treasured Greensboro institution. The market has called the old National Guard Armory on Yanceyville Street home for more than 60 years and the celebration starts there on Oct. 26 with the annual Farmers Appreciation Breakfast. Current and past vendors will eat for free and customers are invited to purchase breakfast and also expect some other surprises.

Some vendors and customers are third- and fourth-generation, so expect to see some old friends. All produce is grown locally by the farmers who sell it and prepared foods are made in inspected and approved kitchens. Food you can trust!

Chris Musselwhite

The writer is chair of the Greensboro Farmers Curb Market.

If you can keep it

Two hundred thirty-seven years ago last month, a citizen asked the immortal Ben Franklin a question concerning the work of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.

"Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"

"A republic, if you can keep it!" replied old Ben.

Three times in our nation's history, that constitutional republic has been seriously threatened, once in 1861, the start of the Civil War, Jan. 6, 2021, in our nation's capital, and this fall, in the coming election. There may be no better measure of how utterly pitiful our system of public education has become if American citizens no longer wish to "keep" that constitutional republic!

Democrats/liberals should look in the mirror and repeat, "mea culpa!"

Bob Gaines

Weather or not?

If Democrats could control the weather, they would have already created a tornado over Mar-a-Lago and blown him away like Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz."

William Robertson

High Point

Not fighting for you

Fighters, really? With all due respect to former Sheriff BJ Barnes (letter, Oct. 16), his "fighters" roster of Trump, Robinson, Foxx, Bishop and Logan, et al., are not fighters for you. They are fighters for attention and every dollar of PAC money they can slurp off their donors.

Trump wants to suspend the Constitution with Project 2025 while saying such doozies as "the enemy within" or "Vote for me this time and you won't need to vote again" and many, many more unhinged ramblings.

Mark Robinson says, "Some people need killing'" and women need to "keep their skirts down."

Dan Bishop wants to be Robinson's "sidekick." Wonderful.

Virginia Foxx isn't in favor of anything except what the Freedom Caucus or Trump tells her to do.

Michael Logan's "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" style of public commentary fits right in with the current Trump cult.

The point about these "fighters" is they are not fighting for you, just themselves, period, end of story.

Jim Galler

Election letters

The News & Record welcomes letters related to the Nov. 5 election. We cannot guarantee that all letters will be published, but all viewpoints will be represented. Here are the criteria:

: Our firm limit is 250 words.

Originality: Letter-writing campaigns are unacceptable. Each letter should express the views and initiative of its author.
