
Friday's letters: Trump blames Democrats' rhetoric? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Z.Baker25 min ago

Trump's toxic tongue

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The guy who has used more inflammatory language than any candidate for president ever now calls out his opponent for using inflammatory language. What a joke!

Some of the many examples include calling Mexican immigrants "rapists." He has referred to Democrats as "the enemy from within." He refers to his opponents as "vermin" and "traitors."

He continues to lie about the 2020 election, claiming it was "rigged and stolen." Remember this quote from Jan. 6? "We fight like Hell and if you don't fight like Hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." Is that inciting a riot?

Trump has consistently used inflammatory language throughout his presidency and his candidacy. He swears so much that people begin to expect it from him. When did you ever hear any president refer to another country as a "s-thole"?

To further add to the irony, when someone says Trump is a threat to democracy, they are telling the truth. This is a guy who openly says he will be a dictator on his first day. In December 2022, Trump posted on his social media platform, suggesting "termination of all rules, regulations, and s, even those found in the Constitution," to address his false claims of election fraud in 2020, and he has never retracted that statement.

Sorry, Mr. Trump. You lose again.

James Bennett

Who's to blame?

I'm confused. Trump and Vance are trying to blame Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the atmosphere of violence surrounding the assassination attempts on Trump.

I thought that it was Trump who, on Jan. 6, after being told that the mob he called together was armed, encouraged them to go to the Capitol and "fight."

And that it was Trump who offered to pay the legal bills of any of his supporters who attacked any of his rivals' supporters.

And Trump who made jokes about the almost fatal attack that one of his supporters made on Nancy Pelosi's husband.

And it was Trump who just recently decided to broadcast that he "HATED" a prominent personality only because she endorsed his opponent. Trump has belittled, lied about and bullied just about everyone who has opposed him.

I think that maybe it is Trump who has brought violence to the forefront of our nation's politics and, now that the chickens are coming home to roost, as usual, he is trying to blame someone else.

Hugh M. Parker

Winston Salem

Who will be next?

If Donald Trump and JD Vance can make up lies about Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, and put their lives in danger for political gain, you have to ask, "When will they lie about me? How will I feel when my family is threatened?"

There is no reason to believe that Trump will stop with Haitians.

Dan Flak

Just say so

It was a bewilderment to scan the Sunday comics and discover that someone had replaced every familiar comic with either one that was unfamiliar or a comic that is as old as I am (and that's saying something). Then I found the front-page explanation of how "refreshed" this section now was. I must say I don't feel at all refreshed. I feel sad for the loss of those strips that have been a mainstay of my Sunday mornings since I moved to Greensboro, like my coffee and a leisurely breakfast.

If it is a financial decision to replace these comic strips, just say that. I feel patronized by the explanation given. And if it is not financial, perhaps reconsider this action.

I suspect I am not the only reader of the News & Record you're hearing from about this change.

Joan Read

Without merit

I have been a subscriber to the News & Record for many years. Over time, I have endured the change of ownership of our local newspaper. Recently, you discontinued some of my favorite comics: "Garfield," "Peanuts," "Pearls Before Swine," "Pickles," "Luann" and "Close to Home." You've replaced them with the likes of "Family Circus" and "Barney Google." Why?

My family has enjoyed the puzzles, especially "Boggle," "Jumble" and the crossword puzzle. You've replaced "Boggle" and "Jumble" with "Wuzzles." What on earth is "Wuzzles" and why the change?

The changes are totally without merit.

Jack Dubel

Another blow

Like another writer, I search for reasons to continue subscribing. Your recent "freshening" of the comics is another blow. I suggest that you bring back "Baby Blues," "Peanuts" and "For Better or For Worse."

You can make room by eliminating "Hagar the Horrible" (it is horrible), "Barney Google" and "Macanudo."

Jay Young