
'God puts us in a place of stretching because that's where we grow the most,' Daniel Zylstra TMBC

N.Nguyen46 min ago

Daniel and Chelsie Zylstra have enjoyed an incredible summer as Camp Director's at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp, this being their second summer of leading their team to share the love of Jesus with their campers.

Between the summer months of May to the end of September, the Zystra's live on site at TMBC, and then the remaining months they move their family of five (3 children between the ages of 5 and almost 1-year-old) to Killarney.

Prior to taking over the reins as Camp Directors from Howard and Kathy Wier, Daniel and Chelsie lived in Deloraine for about 5 years. The Zylstra's who have a passion to share the Gospel met at Bible school in Edmonton.

Daniel says the transition to become camp directors has been ongoing for about 3 years, with his wife Chelsie stepping into the full-time position as co-director now for about 2 years. Daniel joined her one year later officially beginning in October of 2023.

"I was at camp each summer, but always in different roles," he explains. "So, this is my first year as director and I've been learning a lot!"

No doubt, with three children 5 and under the Zylstra's have had a very, very busy summer.

"It's such a rewarding place to be, is where God is calling you to be. It's not always easy and we're still tired," laughs Daniel. "But it's so incredible to see our young team take on some difficult things and grow and discover that 'I can do difficult things with God..."

Please listen to Daniel's thoughts on this past summer's experiences and his relationship with God.

Turtle Mountain Bible Camp will be sharing some of these wonderful experiences at their Fall Fundraiser taking place Sunday evening, September 29th.

The event is by donation and all funds raised will go towards a new capital project.

"With our new dining hall facility, it's able to be open year-round but we are limited in our sleeping accommodations for our groups," he explains. "So, our next building project will be some sleeping accommodations that will be winterized so we can host more groups and bigger groups year-round. This is the next season that we see the camp growing into.