
Hassan, Gillibrand introduce bill to strengthen northern border security

K.Smith23 min ago
WASHINGTON (WCAX) - Two U.S. senators from our region have introduced a bill aimed at strengthening security at the northern border.

Democratic Sens. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York are among the sponsors of the legislation.

It would require the Department of Homeland Security to regularly complete a new Northern Border Threat Analysis. That threat analysis hasn't been conducted since 2017.

The bill also calls for an update to northern border policy, which hasn't happened since 2018.

Hassan says as threats to the northern border evolve, so must U.S. policy.

"This bipartisan bill will strengthen law enforcement's efforts to stop the transnational criminal organizations that are flooding our streets with fentanyl and other deadly drugs," Hassan said in a statement.