
Healey: Massachusetts to ‘Party Like It’s 1776′

A.Davis28 min ago

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey has launched a two-year celebration of America's 250th Anniversary by unveiling MA250. The campaign will lure thousands of tourists to the Bay State to celebrate the sestercentennial in 2026.

The MA250 website says, "Celebrating our country's 250th birthday in the birthplace of the Revolution is not something we're taking lightly."

MA250 banners now hang at the Massachusetts State House, and the State House News Service reports Healey and Lt. Governor Kimberly Driscoll modeled "custom Converse sneakers branded with the MA250 logo" during a recent news conference promoting the campaign.

The website, which encourages folks to "party like it's 1776," lists celebratory events statewide including parades, fireworks, re-enactments and the return of the Tall Ships to Boston in July 2026.

Healey said the celebration will be a chance to "show off our state over the next two years."

State House News Service reports, "The administration last week announced a total of $1.5 million in 250th grants for non-profits, municipalities, and other groups preparing to mark the anniversary."

Explore New Bedford will receive a $65,000 grant to "expand the See-Worthy tagline to spotlight revolutionary places, moments, ideas, and art that embody New Bedford's diverse culture, innovation, and creativity."

The City of Fall River will receive a $15,000 grant in partnership with the Lafayette-Durfee House "to bolster its capacity ahead of the 250th anniversary of American independence via hands-on youth programming."

"We're going to leverage this moment to draw in visitors from all around not just the state, the country, but literally the world," Healey said.

Key events that led to the American Revolution, such as the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere's Ride and the Battles of Lexington and Concord occurred here in Massachusetts.