
Holocaust survivor in West Omaha celebrates 100th birthday

V.Lee24 min ago
OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - An Omaha woman is celebrating a milestone few people achieve: turning 100-years-old.

Even more remarkable, this centenarian is a Holocaust survivor. Her name is Esther Silver.

Every step Silver takes is a milestone in the timeline of her life. Though her days are now filled with love, her story is one of darkness.

Silver says her siblings, parents, and grandparents were all killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Silver said, "I lost my whole family."

Silver became a political prisoner and worked in a factory before she was liberated in 1945.

"I was there for three years, and I worked for the general for nothing. I was lucky that I could work so I survived, and I can tell you the story of my life," Silver said.

Silver eventually met an Auschwitz survivor with whom she married and had two sons.

"I raised two sons," she said. "That is my proudest achievement."

Her 100th birthday wish is to spare others the pain she has endured.

"There should be peace in the world. People shouldn't discriminate against one another," said Silver. "People should be nice to people and not hurt nobody like I was hurt."