
How Irish wood is creating a greener future

J.Martin28 min ago
In the face of a climate crisis, there is an increasing urgency for more sustainable practices and a drive to decarbonise our built environment.

Here in Ireland, significant steps are being taken to reduce our carbon footprint, and one key element in this effort is increasing the use of sustainably grown Irish wood and wood products in construction. Not only does building with wood help to reduce carbon emissions, but it also supports local jobs and the local economy.

Coillte - wood

Ronan O'Keeffe, a Forester working with Coillte, talks to us about the future of sustainable building practices in Ireland and how Irish wood is helping to shape a greener future for all.

Q: Ronan, tell us about your role at Coillte and how it connects to Ireland's climate goals?

At Coillte, I work in the wood supply chain, helping to produce and supply wood for our customers. Producing wood in a sustainable way ensures that we balance timber production with the environmental and social aspects of our forests and all the benefits they deliver to society.

This includes managing our forests sustainably so that they can generate a triple benefit for climate by acting as a carbon sink, store and substitute, ensuring we contribute to helping Ireland meet its climate action goals. By producing a home-grown supply of wood and always replanting our forests, we're not just meeting the needs of today, we are also ensuring that future generations can benefit.

Q: How is wood central to Ireland's climate action efforts?

As a natural, renewable and sustainable resource, wood plays a significant role in reducing carbon emissions. Trees act as carbon sinks by absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis. This carbon is then stored in the trees as they grow.

Wood products harvested from our forests also provide long-term carbon storage, which can then be used as a low-carbon substitute for carbon-intensive construction materials such as concrete and steel. This makes forests and wood crucial to supporting the delivery of Ireland's Climate Action Plan.

We're fortunate that Ireland has an ideal climate for growing conifer trees and producing wood, with trees maturing here in just 35 years compared to twice that time in other parts of Europe.

Q: Can you explain how forests contribute to this effort?

Actively managed and certified productive forests are essential to our climate strategy. As trees grow, they continuously remove carbon from the atmosphere. When these trees are harvested, the carbon they've stored is locked into the timber products they produce.

Using wood as a building material instead of more carbon-heavy alternatives, further reduces emissions. Typically the wood that we need to build our homes is softwood, which comes from conifer trees such as spruces and pines.

Conifers grow very well in Ireland, and they are excellent at combating climate change as they sink carbon dioxide very quickly. The benefit of building with wood is that it is fully sustainable and for every tree Coillte harvests, we plant three more, ensuring the sustainability of our forests and continuing the cycle of renewable wood production.

Q: What makes Irish wood so important to our future?

Ireland's climate allows trees to grow rapidly, making wood an excellent renewable resource. Irish wood is highly versatile and is used for a range of purposes, including fencing, decking, furniture, and constructing lower-carbon homes.

Timber construction is also more efficient, reducing waste, saving time, and cutting costs. This not only supports sustainability but also strengthens the Irish forest industry, creating thousands of jobs and benefiting local businesses around the country.

Q: What steps is Coillte taking to manage forests for biodiversity?

For us, it's about planting the right tree in the right place for the right objective. Coillte has set a goal to increase the area of forests managed primarily for nature from 20pc to 30pc by 2025. This approach allows us to enhance and restore biodiversity while also providing a reliable supply of Irish wood to meet a growing demand for sustainable, low-carbon wood products.

Q: Why is it important for people to choose certified Irish wood products?

Building with certified locally sourced, sustainably grown Irish wood reduces the carbon footprint associated with construction and helps sustain our forest industry. It also provides the consumer with independent assurance that the wood they are buying has come from well managed forests, balancing the social, environmental and economic aspects of forest management.

By opting for Irish wood, you're not just supporting local jobs and businesses—you're also contributing to a greener, more sustainable future for Ireland.