
'It means hope, simply hope' | Honk for the Missing event raises awareness and lets families know their loved one is not forgotten

R.Johnson34 min ago

SAN ANTONIO — When cases go cold, families can sometimes feel lost in the legal and justice system. One local nonprofit works with families of the missing and victims of unsolved crimes, to give them support

Founded in 2019, Search & Support San Antonio has been providing a voice and support for grieving families, helping them search for answers.

"It means hope, simply hope, there is hope," Nina Brooks, President/Founder Search & Support San Antonio said.

Along with the sounds of honking horns, hope also filled the air Saturday afternoon as the nonprofit Search & Support San Antonio, hosted the 14th annual, Honk for the Missing.

"We are just not only raising awareness, but letting the families know that we're not forgetting about their cases, their loved ones, and we won't stop," Lori Whitmire, Intake Case Manager, Search & Support San Antonio said.

Nina Brooks said sometimes family and friends can sometimes, feel let down by society and law enforcement.

"There are families that get forgotten because there are no new leads. There's nothing additional, and so what we do is we step in, and we support these families," Whitmire said.

Pastor Angela Walden's son James Preston, has been missing for more than 18 years, unable to get answers from law enforcement, she started working with Search & Support San Antonio.

"We had no voice until search and support, Nina Brooks came," Pastor Walden said.

The nonprofit helps families through social media campaigns, outreach events, flyers, banners, billboards, anyway to share the story of their loved one.

Stories like Meagan Gonzales, whose murder nearly 5 years ago, remains unsolved.

"Ever since I got to meet the Search and Support team, actually my daughter's case got more exposure, and that's what we in the family want," Eddie Gonzales, Meagan's father said.

Kassandra Gonzalez has been missing for more than a year, her family continues searching for her with the nonprofit by their side every step of the way.

"They've been guiding me through all of this and all of this darkness. I didn't know where to go or what to do," Alyssa Ballard, Kassandra's sister said.

Nina Brooks said families that reach out to Search & Support can sometimes feel like no one is listening, or cares about their loved ones case.

"Sometimes it's just enough to listen. Listen to them listen and provide support," Brooks said.

If you have any information about the cases in this story, your urged to contact Search & Support San Antonio .