‘It was great’: Flyers breeze through MSY on busiest travel day
R.Davis3 months ago
NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - Thousands of travelers moved throughs Armstrong International on their way to visit family and celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. “We’re from Nassau, Bahamas and we’re traveling here for Thanksgiving,” said Nova Adderley. The Adderley family is traveling as a pack. “All my family together and a lot of food, a lot of drinks!” said Shirley Adderley. “Family time!” Airports across the East Coast saw delays and cancellations from stormy weather, but New Orleans was mostly spared. “It’s not so bad here actually, I expected it to be a little bit busier here today, but it’s great to be here,” said Stephen White. White made the cross-country trip from California. “It’s probably the busiest I’ve ever seen the airport in San Fransisco,” said White. “All the parking lots were full. I had to find a way to park somewhere.” Parking was the biggest hurdle at MSY, too. Long term, short term, and surface lots were full all day long, leaving passengers looking to park their car left to shuttle in from the economy lot at the old terminal. MSY brought family to Robert Slaughter sooner than he expected. “I just ran into my cousin. He’s visiting his son,” Slaughter said. “We’re just trying to get here to see as much family and have as much good food as possible.” Alongside his wife and two kids, Slaughter says the trip from Texas brought no complaints. “We thought it would be really bad, but I guess leaving in the afternoon, it was great,” said Slaughter. With crowds expected to peak again on Sunday, travelers should pack some extra time into their plans. “I’m one of those get to the airport two hours early kind of guys. My girlfriend is not so we’ll have to have that discussion,” said White. “But I’m always trying to get here a little bit early to make sure it’s smooth sailing.” AAA estimated the most roadway traffic congestion Wednesday. It says more than 55-million Americans will trek at least 50 miles between Wednesday and Sunday.
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