
Let immigrants enter and remain [letter]

A.Williams29 min ago
In 1939, the German liner, the St. Louis, carrying mostly Jews who were fleeing Germany, was turned away by our country because the passengers didn't have the proper visas or security clearances. The ship was forced to return to Europe, where 254 of the passengers were eventually killed in the Holocaust.

Today, thousands of families are fleeing Central America and Haiti, often to avoid the risk of being murdered. Just like in 1939, many in our government and some candidates for elective office want to send these immigrants back and care little about what will happen to them in their home countries.

Most immigrants are honest, hardworking people and not "murderers," "rapists" or "drug dealers," as some call them.

We must adjust our laws, remove politics from the issue and allow more immigrants a chance to obtain a green card and remain in the United States. They don't want to take jobs from Americans — they just want safety and a chance to earn a living.

There are millions of jobs remaining vacant that could be filled by these decent people. Don't repeat the mistake of 1939 and send these immigrants back to the possibility of starvation and death.

We should be showing the world that the United States of America is a country of compassion, not a country of hate.

Robert Hirsch

U.S. Navy commander (retired)

Lancaster Township