
Letter: City closes Santa Rita Park to homeless

B.Hernandez22 min ago

How pitiful of the City of Tucson to simply clear the homeless from a large, essentially unused park without any attempt at a more imaginative solution. Why not dedicate the park as a center for medical, health, and substance treatment?

The homeless population will continue to grow here and in America, succumbing to the same matrix of exterior pressures that brings immigrants to the southern border, that many simply can't afford their life anymore.

The city describes a goal of making the park "family friendly" again. It never was. Families now are home watching Netflix, or on their third job not out throwing balls with the kids.

To place large boulders under the freeway bridges to deter the desperate and close off public parks reflects the same wretched waste of opportunity as the pointless southern border wall.

Tucson used to be better than this.

Eric Phelps

Green Valley