
Letter: Election Decision

M.Nguyen25 min ago

When making your decision on who to vote for, it is your choice but does need a little consideration beyond clicking on the party choice. Start by ignoring everything the opposing candidate says about the other candidate for the simple reason that there are probably a number of lies and distortions in an effort to influence your thinking. Instead, sit down and make a couple of lists. First, document everything that each candidate did in office, providing a history and a record of what they may do in office, consider the old saying "A leopard can't change its spots". Yes, it is likely that history will repeat itself, without regard to the promises made in campaign speeches. Second, make a list of what you think are the plans and programs for each candidate while in office based on their history and the promises they have made, how much do you really know about the likely agenda of each candidate? What do you want the history to show?

Loran Hancock

Northwest side