
Letter: Engel Turns Negative

N.Kim46 min ago

Every election cycle I try to tune out the negative rhetoric. But I have to speak up against the negative ads Kirsten Engel has launched against Congressman Juan Ciscomani. They feel too personal and go way too far. She wants to paint a grim picture of Juan as an extremist, when all you have to do is meet Juan to know he is a regular person who is doing his best to serve our community and raise his family. Tucson is like a long high-school hallway. There are one or two degrees of separation between people. We can read through the lies, and frankly we don't like it, regardless of our party affiliation. Whether you vote for him or not, Juan is an incredibly decent man, father and husband. I just can't stomach these attacks on one of our own.

Katie O'Brian

East side