
Letter: Just once, live within our means

S.Martin33 min ago

Total agreement with the opinions expressed by Ms. Malloy in putting the hold on property taxes. I have to totally agree with her views. With the coming of DMC, Rochester slid into the "Champagne taste on a beer budget" idiom coined by the Globe-Republican at the turn of the century. Mayo's Bold. Forward. Unbound. vision sums up the city's monetary track perfectly ... it's totally unbound.

A sports complex in Rochester? Do we really think we could draw people here away from the Xcel, National, URW, and Minneapolis centers and all the amenities they can offer? We can't even provide adequate parking now! Let's try to do like we were taught as children; just for once ... live within our means and our budget.

Seems we are always asking for more money, from the budgets to schools.

It's no secret our property taxes are so high they force more than a few places out, not to mention some of us that exist on a set monetary budget. We can't magically make these requested increases appear out of thin air. Let us use what we DO have and put it toward sensible, needed infrastructure first, before we add more sparklies to the glitterdome. What does it take for that realization to sink in in this town?