
Letter: Role reversal would reveal truth

H.Wilson1 hr ago

As a proud Republican and even prouder Nebraskan I find it funny that all these Democrats are criticizing Republicans for trying to change the state's electoral votes based on congressional districts. Every Republican knows if the roles were reversed and Nebraska was a blue state and we had a red dot in an ultra-close presidential race they would be screaming that it should be winner take all. Don't let all their pearl clutching fool you. These are the same people who want to pack the court just to swing the balance of power back their way.

Why aren't the Democrat mouthpieces criticizing New York or California about their winner-take-all fairness? It's because those states' electoral votes go to blue and not red.

So, Sen. Jane Raybould and all her Democrat friends, please save your breath when talking about "election fairness" and "election interference," because if the roles were reversed you would be singing a different tune.

Trevor Knuth, Lincoln