
Letter: Trump, the only choice?

J.Lee45 min ago

The recent letter from Mr. Jacobsen presents a Pollyanna-like remembrance of the Trump years, while simultaneously imagining that President Biden ruined it all when he "took over."

Some of the things he either omits or conveniently forgets include 77,400 US Covid deaths in January 2021, 6.4% unemployment rate, 2.7 million jobs lost, a GDP decrease of 2.3%, shortages of key medical supplies, toilet paper, semiconductors, diapers, 7.8 trillion added to the national debt, and empty grocery shelves.

By far the most damaging aspect of the Trump years was his attempted coup and the subsequent undermining of faith in our ability to conduct free and fair elections.

The letter writer's flawed logic leads him to conclude that since Trump didn't destroy democracy in his first term, he wouldn't have better success next time, apparently not understanding that Trump will not appoint the same people who prevented him from acting on his worst instincts.

Jacobsen is right. We can't afford another four years of incompetence.

Glen Vann

West side