
Letters: It’s time to put Electoral College into history’s dust bin. Votes don't count.

R.Anderson40 min ago

Counter to what we've been told, in presidential elections , our vote doesn't count unless our candidate wins — the Electoral College makes sure of that.

A candidate can win the majority of our national votes and still lose. This has happened many times in our history.

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It's time to put the Electoral College into history's dust bin. Divide the electoral votes according to the percentage each candidate received. It shouldn't be that had to figure out, it's simple math. The number of votes cast in each state divided by the total number of votes cast.

It's ludicrous that a person can get millions of more votes across America but lose the election. After all, we are voting for the president of the entire United States of America, not just for a states elected president.

Jack Abbott, Milwaukee

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