
Letters to the Editor, September 30, 2024: Will of the people

J.Mitchell43 min ago

Will of the people

In "Judicial reform of some kind" (September 27), Larry Goldstein presents an exceptionally thorough and comprehensive analysis of our need for judicial reform. He makes it very clear that the demonstrators against judicial reform do not know against what they are protesting. They only know that they support the "Just not Bibi" slogan.

It is very clear that we need judicial reform. I would hope that the writer will be able to assist the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee in drafting comprehensive legislation for the reform we need, including checks and balances. It will probably also require a definition of what issues need a super-majority of MKs for passage, possibly a 70 or 100 vote among the 120 members of Knesset on certain matters which might be viewed as our "Bill of Rights."

Such a document would likely need a plebiscite – a vote of our entire citizenry – to determine and reflect the will of the people. Let's not delay.

More peaceful world

"Israel's fight is also for the West" (editorial, September 29) was spot on. Israel is, and has been for a long time now, fighting for the free world and its values. Shame on the many Western countries which silently agree with Israel's actions but refuse to publicly denounce Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the many other terrorist groups which attack Israel.

Given Hezbollah's current disarray, Israel has a timely opportunity to break the ring of terror, once and for all, and isolate Iran. I pray that Israel maintains its resolve and remains undeterred. This is the time for the West and all democratic countries to proclaim their support for Israel and to denounce radical Islam and its terrorist leaders. With a bit of luck, the tragedy of October 7 could well result in a more peaceful world with the elimination of many of Iran's proxies.

Outright refusals

Regarding "Abbas in New York: Strip Israel of its UN membership" (September 27): Someone should inform Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas that nobody – least of all Israel – is demanding or even suggesting that the Palestinians leave what they are mistakenly referring to as their homeland. Stay updated with the latest news!

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Indeed, time and time again Israeli leaders from one end of the political spectrum to the other have reached out and expressed a sincere desire to achieve an equitable compromise. On the other hand, when pro-Palestinian protesters chant: "From the river to the sea," it represents just the latest in a long series of outright refusals from the Palestinian side to accept Israel's existence. This, of course, is something which Abbas failed to mention in his remarks to the UN last week.

The UN has become, for the past many years, a conduit through which hatred of Israel and rabid antisemitism have been allowed to evolve. Our prime minister, I suppose, felt compelled to be part of this farcical UNGA protocol, and braved facing an audience uninterested in hearing the truth.

Ginot Shomron

The European Union, the United Nations, the US State Department, the Canadian prime minister, the French president, and others are calling for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Iran's proxies Hamas and Hezbollah ("WH: Ceasefire call coordinated with Israel; Netanyahu battles on," September 27).

This is 100% proof that Israel is winning the war.


Understanding and appreciation

Anat Thon Ashkenazy is rightly outraged about the girls who were asked to move to the back of the bus on which they were traveling ("Chipping away at decades of progress," September 26). What's more, I suspect most Israeli citizens would feel the same. I certainly do. It is unacceptable because it is humiliating.

However, I fail to comprehend how this sad story is comparable to the project of having separate graduate courses offered to men and women. No woman would be obligated to attend classes in a setting in which she is not comfortable. If she so desires, she can study in mixed classes.

This is not humiliating. We should let all students study in an environment suited to their lifestyle. Similarly, women serving in the IDF have no reason to feel degraded if some men do not want to serve in mixed units. Why should this bother them?

We have to understand that changes within the haredi community do take place, but not as quickly as some of us would like. In the meantime, haredim should be encouraged to study and enlist, even if it entails segregated classes or separate units in the IDF.

In these difficult times, we all seek rapprochement in order to unify our nation. That can only follow an understanding and appreciation of the different values of all segments of our society, including haredim.

Scapegoating Jews

Regarding "Blaming the Jews" (September 26): Kudos to Douglas Bloomfield for discussing former president Donald Trump's statement, "If I don't win this election... the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss." His statement is a continuation of a long history of scapegoating Jews and blaming us when things go wrong in the world. Trump has, in effect, put targets on our backs, giving antisemites an additional unjustified excuse for harassing Jews.

This is just the latest example of Trump's statements and actions that are harmful to Jewish interests. He hosted notorious antisemites for dinner at Mar-a-Lago, forwarded antisemitic posts from white supremacist groups, said white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting "Jews will not replace us" were "very fine people," and made antisemitic statements such as that US Jews care more about Israel than the US and that Jews who do not support him are disloyal to Israel and Judaism.

It is shameful that Jewish Republican leaders generally are ignoring or justifying Trump's statements.