
LETTERS: Trump's false claims on pet-eating scared me into hiding my cat. That's wrong

A.Kim2 hr ago

When I heard former President and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his running mate Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, accuse Haitians in Springfield, Ohio of eating cats, dogs, and geese, I grabbed my hammer and started nailing boards across my cat doors.

My cats would not be allowed outside again, even though there are no Haitians that I know of in the area. Forewarned is forearmed.

All the while I was hammering and nailing, I was trying to figure out how I was going to corral all the geese in our neighborhood and where I was going to put them once I had.

I had just finished hammering the last nail when I learned that the police and the mayor of Springfield had denied that Haitians in their town were eating cats, dogs, and geese. Their denials were followed by bomb threats to government offices, hospitals, and schools.

Unfazed, the Republican governor of Ohio weighed in with his denial, as did a businessman in Springfield, who also praised the work ethic of the Haitians, saying that he wished he could hire a hundred more to work for him. The final straw was added when the person who posted the video on Facebook that started all this brouhaha admitted that to wrongfully accusing the Haitians.

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance aren't budging though. That's their story and they're sticking to it. As for me, I have to take down all those boards I nailed over my cat doors. Well, at least I don't have to round up any geese.

Lynda Hamblen, Union City 38261

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