Local business owners encourage community to shop locally for Small Business Saturday
T.Davis3 months ago
MONROE, La. (KNOE) - According to a survey from Bankrate , 61 percent of Americans will do their holiday shopping on Small Business Saturday, which takes place on Nov. 25. The owner of in West Monroe, Chris Spires, encourages consumers to support their community by shopping locally. “My money is spent here locally with other local businesses,” Spires said. “It’s just a big impact for everybody that’s local.” West Monroe Mayor Staci Mitchell said that a large amount of the money customers spend stays local when they shop at home. “$68 of that $100 stays in our community,” said Mitchell. “It’s re-circulated amongst, you know, employing people, feeding families, supporting different charitable organizations.” Buying locally not only aids the business that you’re buying from - it also helps local artisans, according to the owner of Just Peachy, Felicia Fuller. “We have some like jewelry. That some local people in Louisiana make - some of our main - one of our main brands that we carry for gift-wise is actually based out of Louisiana. So we like to carry things that are, you know, local in the state.” Weslee Duncan with said the gifts that customers buy locally have more of a story. “Any small business store, any antique store, or anything like that? I just feel like it’s just, I don’t know, you get a story with it too. Like there’s a reason you buy certain things for certain people,” said Duncan. When you’re doing your Christmas shopping this year, remember to stop by stores in your community!
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