
Merit Academy students capture turkeys for research

R.Green6 hr ago

(WOODLAND PARK, Colo.) — Merit Academy in Woodland Park partnered with Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) to provide a one-of-a-kind learning experience.

On Monday, Sept. 16, ninth and tenth-grade students from Merit Academy captured 17 turkeys on a ranch near Divide. Six turkeys were given a GPS collar, and four had a satellite backpack attached, then they were released back into the wild. CPW said the remaining seven turkeys were released without any tracking devices.

Over the next year, students will monitor mortality and where the turkeys move. According to CPW, students will be able to gain invaluable real-world scientific research and CPW will be able to use what they learn when making wildfire decisions.

CPW said the experience was made possible for the students by Merit Academy teacher Tim Lundt, who secured a $10,000 private grant and worked alongside CPW to obtain a permit.