
More buses running through the winter in Jersey

R.Green1 hr ago
The company operating the bus service in Jersey will run more services through the winter months.

The new timetable, which comes into effect on 30 September, includes additional services on some of the busier routes, such as numbers 1,7 and 15 during peak times.

Liberty Bus director Kevin Hart said they wanted to "grow the network as much as they could "to meet people's needs".

The firm said it been told a double-decker vehicle would not fit on the roads.

But Andy Jehan, the minister responsible for infrastructure, said the idea of a double-decker bus had not been ruled out.

He said: "If you can get more people on a bus by using a double-decker the cost is much better because you've got the one driver."

The contract for the island's bus service from next April is currently out to tender and will be decided in the coming weeks.