Municipal Briefs
First Posted:
EDWARDSVILLE – School district tax payments must be made by Saturday for the rebate to be applied. Home collections may be made by contacting the borough office at (570) 288-7988. Residents who have not received their tax documents should contact the tax collector promptly.
FORTY FORT – School district tax payments must be made by Sept. 27 for the rebate to be applied. The borough building tax collection office will be open today, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursday, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Payments submitted by mail and requiring a receipt must include self-addressed envelope.
Residents who have not paid the municipal recycling fee are reminded it is due now and include penalty.
LUZERNE – Public Works employees are to pick up used tires Friday, Oct. 12. Residents are limited to four tires. Residents are to call the borough building at (570) 287-7633 before Oct. 12 to register. Contact the borough building for acceptable tire types and conditions.
WEST WYOMING – School district tax payments must be made by Oct. 3 in order to receive a rebate. Payments submitted by mail and requiring a receipt must include a self-addressed and postage-paid envelope. Payments for municipal and county school taxes may not be paid with one check.
WRIGHT TOWNSHIP – On Oct. 6, the township recycling center will begin single-stream recycling, accepting mixed recyclables. Call the township office for a list of new acceptable item types. Tin and aluminum items must be separated.