
MY AMISH HOME: Cleaning with a 'hurty' finger

J.Mitchell33 min ago

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all suffering and doctrine, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of they ministry." I have found a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." – 2 Timothy 4:2-5, 7

It's a beautiful September Tuesday afternoon and tonight is full moon. I love full moon nights. Sometimes I feel like just sitting out on the swing and absorbing all of nature that I can. Except not what is wafting in through the window on the breeze we have. It's just farm fresh country air.

But that's OK. Farmers gotta do what they gotta do.

You know, I really like fall, the colorful leaves, but, you know...winter follows. And winter has a beauty all its own. I just want it to be short and sweet. And I'd like spring to hurry and arrive.

Isn't it good I can't control the weather? And if we wouldn't have changing seasons, what would I have to write about?

We had a good week last week. Especially Wednesday. The girls and some of the granddaughters came to help deep clean our house.

Our daughter Cynthia and granddaughters, Margaret and Joanna and her "Littles" came from Dale, Illinois. Not all of the granddaughters could come. We had a good day of cleaning. And eating. Do women ever get together without food involved? Granddaughter Brenda likes working in the kitchen. She brought bread, yummy cookies, and cream-filled donut sticks.

Daughter Rachel made mashed potatoes and meatloaf for lunch, a real treat for us. I could eat that stuff 'till the cows come home.

A lot of cleaning got done in spite of the "Littles," there were six, thinking their job was to see how many toys they could leave around.

We ate lunch at Rachel's house. After lunch, I came back to hang up some laundry and rest my feet a bit, thinking I'll pick up the toys.

Rachel came and helped. That lasted as long as the naps of the first toddlers to get up from their nap. But that was OK.

I was so glad to have the windows cleaned. They sparkle and smile. It just plain feels good to have the house cleaned, the curtains washed, they were very dirty.

One thing that didn't get cleaned was the pantry, better known as catch-all. I really didn't intend that anybody would clean that. It is a disaster zone.

I did start on it yesterday, but didn't get very far. It's a good thing we don't have "Littles" around. I just left things as is and figured I could work some more on it today after I'm done with this.

I am kind of hindered on my cleaning. I have a very hurty finger. I pinched it between the clothesline and the pulley yesterday. Oh my! I can almost hyperventilate just writing about it. I keep wondering if it is broken. It is swollen, shiny and very discolored.

One good thing...it is on my left hand.

Last week I wanted to be so organized. Who am I kidding? Me? Organized? Anyway, Erwin wasn't working Tuesday through Thursday, which worked great for me. I didn't have to leave at noon to go get him. And Wednesday, when the girls were coming, I could leave early, buzz to town on the bike, do my stuff, leave my papers and get back home in good time. Well. When I get home my papers were still in my bike basket. And my battery was too low to go back to town. Now what?

I decided to catch Cynthia's driver when she comes, and her driver can take me to town. Which is what happened. It all worked out OK, but still...

In closing: "Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier" — Mother Teresa

It may not be quite soup weather, but this will still hit spot.

Chicken Tortellini Soup

Combine all ingredients in a stockpot, bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until tortellini is tender. Discard bay leaf. Serves six.

Photos: Union Pacific 'Big Boy' 4014 steam locomotive visits region

Big Boy 22

big boy steam locomotive train 18

big boy 7

big boy 369

Big Boy 3

big boy 14

big boy 13

big boy 10

big boy 11

big boy 5

Big Boy 12

Millie Otto of Arthur is a member of the Old Order Amish. by writing to 1584 CR 2000N, Arthur, IL 61911.