
On Board: One-day training opportunity to elevate nonprofit board leadership

B.Lee39 min ago
Effective board management is crucial to ensuring a nonprofit's success.

On Thursday, October 24, the Leadership Center of Arlington is offering its On Board program, a one-day training for current and aspiring nonprofit board members and nonprofit leaders with direct board responsibilities. This training equips leaders with the inspiration, tools, and resources to elevate and maximize their board service.

Learning from a variety of field experts and class discussions, participants will come away with a clear path for effective and meaningful board management and service, and an understanding of the following:

  • Landscape of nonprofit boards today
  • Key trends affecting nonprofits and their leaders
  • Integration of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging into the mission, composition, and work of the organization and board
  • Core functions and responsibilities of a nonprofit board
  • Importance of solid and healthy governance
  • Understanding and value of clear swim lanes between boards and executives
  • Elevation of personal and professional presence and contributions
  • Resources for further learning
  • The training program is held from 8:45 a.m.-4 p.m. at Arlington County Department of Human Services in Arlington, Virginia and costs $150 per person.

    Lunch is included in the registration price, and during lunch, there is an opportunity to network with executive directors from Volunteer Arlington nonprofit partners.
