Only Yesteryday
Sunday, July 24, 2005 Page: 4A
The great Hagenbeck-Wallace and Forepaugh-Sells Bros. Combined Circus will
present afternoon and night performances in Wilkes-Barre on Friday, Aug. 2.
Many new features have been added, these include Maria Rasputin, sensational
European wild animal trainer and daughter of the famous Russian monk, Grigori
Rasputin, who ruled the Raminoffs with the power of his hypnotic eyes prior to
his demise in 1916.
Junior Miller, 8, Johnstown, wrote to the state highway department for a
road map, of which he had read in the local newspaper. The article said a
spent three on a stamp to mail his letter, and was left with only a penny.
Junior sent a one-cent stamp, explaining he was anxious to surprise his daddy
and would send the other penny “as soon as I save it.” Secretary of Highways
Warren Van Dyke sent Junior the map and returned the penny.
A liquor store will be opened in Dallas soon by the State Liquor Control
Board according to an announcement made in Harrisburg this week. The store,
the first for Dallas since the repeal of the 18th Amendment, will be one of
four to be opened in Luzerne County.
Salaries of teachers who have been elected to serve in Dallas Borough
schools for the next term were approved at a meeting of the directors last
Friday night. Ronald Doll, who will act as principal, will receive $1,380.
Other salaries announced: first grade, Miss Mack, $900; second grade, Miss
Gardner, $900 with a $50 additional for extra work as girls athletic coach;
fifth grade, Miss Anderson, $990; sixth grade, Mr. Rood, $950. High school
teachers: Miss Emmert, Miss Tayler and Miss Dymond, $1,170 each.
PLAN $10,000,000
Close on the heels of the announcement that the new
Wilkes-Barre-Williamsport highway, connecting with the Harveys Lake highway at
Idetown, will be one of the first post-war construction jobs of the
Pennsylvania Department of Highways, comes word that the department is
drafting a secondary post-war highway improvement program which will cost
$10,000,000, which will take place in rural areas of the state.
One thousand dairymen and their families from all parts of Northeastern
Pennsylvania, and some from Southern New York and Northern New Jersey, are
expected to attend the grand opening of NEPA Artificial Breeding Association
Tuesday, Aug. 14 at the association’s newly acquired property on the
Tunkhannock Fair Grounds, according to an announcement of the program made
this week by Arthur Gay, president of the association.
William J. Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Snyder of Claude Street,
was among those who received commissions at Hondo Army Air Field, Hondo, Texas
last week. Second Lt. William will act as flight engineer on a B-29.
Jive Junction, Dallas Teen-Age Center, will be closed for the balance of
July and August until a new dance floor can be laid and interior decorations
Back Mountain area can boast that it is the United States mecca for the
sports car world this weekend, as scores of virtually every type sports car
converge on Greater Wilkes-Barre for the 1955 Hill Climb being held today, and
the Brynfan Tyddyn Road Races scheduled all day Saturday.
A plucky little white-haired mongrel dog named Ted is recovering from a
rattlesnake bite at Dr. George Flack’s hospital in Trucksville. Teddy
discovered the rattlesnake late Tuesday afternoon in the field of his master’s
home at Evans Falls. Then he went after the snake, as all good dogs do that
have a home and family to protect.
The cash registers over-heated at Gosart’s grand opening Friday and
Saturday, thousands of customers and spectators streaming through the modern
building with its spotless walls and counters, sampling the 50-pound
anniversary cake, and getting free hand-outs of soda-pop and samples.
Cars jammed parking facilities on Memorial Highway, Dallas, from 10 in the
morning until 10 p.m. both days.
The 10th annual Dog Show sponsored by Back Mountain Kennel Club attracted a
huge crowd of dog lovers all day Sunday. Many exhibitors and visitors spoke of
the beautiful spot in the Pennsylvania hills and were impressed with
arrangements for outdoor rings. Dogs were entered from as far away as Hawaii
and Venezuela, as well as from southern and eastern states.
Edward Earl Oncay, Dallas RD, and Edward Keller, Harveys Lake, have been
accepted for Junior Membership in the American Guernsey Cattle Club.
At last census, in 1960, the “metropolitan” Back Mountain, Dallas Borough,
Dallas Township, and Kingston Township numbered 12,089 people.
In 1980, the combined population will be something like 19,400, according
to a feasibility report.
Along the lines of this study, the Back Mountain Protective Association is
urging local municipalities to build a sewer system under the new Appalachia
The 19th Back Mountain Library Auction chairman, Merrill Faegenburg, stated
yesterday that approximately $14,000 would be realized from the big event this
year. The Book Booth brought a fine figure of $800, the Art Booth ran up a
total of $200, Odds and Ends Booth, $400.
On July 3, 1965, the Lehman-Jackson-Ross Class of 1955 met for the 10th
anniversary of its graduation.
The reunion was held at The Brothers Four, Main Street, Dallas, with a
buffet style meal enjoyed by 47 persons. The reunion committee was headed by
class president, Alice Ide Hudak. The following classmates served as committee
members: Jay E. Long, Harry Thompson, and Jeanne Casterline Barrall.
Richard Mahle “turned the tables” Tuesday evening when he showed slides and
explained the geographical features and interesting historical facts on
Switzerland, France and Italy to three of his former teachers, Florence Worth,
Jessica Thomas, and Mildred Garinger.
Others who enjoyed the slide were Lina Garinger, Tillie Loveland, and
Raymond Garinger.
Richard recently completed his term of service in the United Sates Army,
during which time he was stationed in Germany.
The Dallas Baptist Church, 42 Mill Street, has extended a general
invitation to everyone of this area to attend a unique event. The members and
Pastors of the Valley View Mennonite Church of Schoeneck will conduct a
worship service at 7 on Sunday evening, July 28. These folks are one of the
“plain people” groups of the Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Dutch country.
While not of the “horse and buggy” Dutch, their dress and manner is
Notice: In an event of a strike by Postal workers, subscribers to this
newspaper should save the address portion of this week’s paper. Issues of the
paper will be available during the strike either at our newspaper office or at
designated places announced by radio.
Just in case you haven’t heard, here are the lineups for the big donkey
baseball game to be played at Huntington Valley Little League filed on July 26
at 6 p.m. The Muleskimmers is captained by Allen “Cowboy” Rittenhouse and will
have the following players in the lineup: Don “Pretty Boy” Staltz, Frank
“Farmer” Petrosky, Steve Maceiko, Ron “Tiny” Peterson, Rich “Gettyup” Davis,
Thelma “Slugger” Leach, Wayne “Beltem” Dennis and Jim “Wothere” Minor.
Frank J. Summa Jr., a 1975 graduate of Trenton State College, N.J., ended
seven years of track competition by winning two gold medals in this year’s New
Jersey State College Track Championships. He placed first in both the long
jump and triple jump. Frank is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Summa, Water
Street, Dallas, and a Dallas High School graduate.
Seven boarding house residents were killed and 12 others narrowly escaped
death early Tuesday morning when a general alarm fire ripped through Thomas’
Guest Home on Main Street in Sweet Valley at approximately 4 a.m.
A 5-7-acre section of land at Frances Slocum State Park has become the
permanent camping grounds for a very persistent, and sometimes pesky, beaver
colony, park officials told The Post. For the past four years the beavers have
been building, and rebuilding, a dam along the stream and running through the
park. Park officials have repeatedly broken open the dam in order to keep the
water level down, but the beavers have rebuilt the dam as fast as they can
break it open.
John Miliauskas, director of the Lake-Lehman High School Band has been
appointed an adjunct faculty member in the Humanities Department of Luzerne
County Community College and will serve as the instructor of a new course,
entitled “LCCC Community Band,” scheduled to begin this fall. A grand
re-opening of the Robert D. Wintersteen Memorial Recreation Center at Harveys
Lake was held on Tuesday, July 16. Through the efforts of current borough
council, and especially councilman Frank Buono, recreation chairman, along
with Ailene Forster, wife of councilman David Forster, the building is going
to be used as a recreation center for borough youth.