
Opinion: Learn more about the threat of white Christian nationalism Opinion: White Christian nationalism threatens our nation

A.Hernandez21 hr ago

They came from Europe, Mexico, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, escaping religious persecution, prejudice, pogroms, massacres, oppression, racial profiling and torture.

They brought with them their hopes and dreams. They braved the unknown to face a hopeful future. They came to survive and thrive, seeking the freedom to choose how they lived their lives, and to guarantee that their children and future generations would have those same freedoms.

I've often heard America referred to as a "melting pot." To me, we are a tossed salad, in which tribal Americans and immigrants come together, not as one pool of sameness, but as a compelling mixture, each playing a role in the whole while maintaining our individuality.

Today we are at a precipice in which the soul of our nation is at risk of being taken over by a dangerous movement of white Christian nationalism (a fringe ideology antithetical to many Christian and Judaic beliefs). Adherents mistakenly believe America was a nation founded for white Christians, and that our laws and policies must perpetuate their power and privilege. Christian nationalists want a complete takeover of the U.S. government.

The radical Christian agenda is spelled out in a 900-word document called "Project 2025." You may have heard of it. Project 2025 is not a myth. It's not propaganda. It is not science-fiction. It is a real plan hatched by legislators and power brokers who wield their wealth and political power to put their vision of the United States in place, usurping the freedoms that once formed the essence of our nation's founding principles.

Project 2025 is a strategic plan for restructuring the federal government so that we will all be forced to adhere to their narrow religious beliefs. They want to "delete" or roll back the rights that make up the promise of America. Same-sex marriage and reproductive freedoms are at the top of their list. Their plan is to remove diversity, equity and inclusion from every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and existing legislation.

What better way to begin a strategic takeover than to worm their way into our pride and joy: the public school system? Yes, it is unsurprising that the plan includes eliminating the Department of Education and funding private religious schools with taxpayer money.

The nonprofit organization Christians Against Christian Nationalism says that the white Christian nationalism movement seeks to merge Christian and American identities, and thus distorts both.

"Christian nationalism demands Christianity be privileged by the state and implies that to be a 'good American,' one must be Christian."

They explain that: "This often overlaps with and provides cover for white supremacy and racial subjugation. We reject this damaging political ideology and invite our Christian brothers and sisters to join us in opposing this threat to our faith and our nation."

Just look to Afghanistan, Iran and Yemen for examples of what our country could become. It's not the faith religious extremists claim to worship that's a problem, but rather their use of their faith to control their government and society, usually interpreting the rules and laws in ways that make it difficult for a person with a different opinion to speak out without fearing horrible punishment or death.

We're already seeing the attempts by Christian nationalists in Texas to infiltrate our public schools by attempting to install religious pastors as school "counselors," proposing a new curriculum using the Christian Bible, stifling knowledge by determining what textbooks are approved, and using their new-found "religious freedom" to discriminate as they please.

Don't be fooled. The architects of Project 2025 are already putting in place parts of the Christian nationalist agenda. If this plan is allowed to proceed, we will have failed all those who fought and died for our freedoms.

We must never forget that many of us are descendants of those who cried with happiness upon seeing the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. We are part of the great salad bowl that makes up the soul of America.

The land of the free that our ancestors looked to will no longer exist if Project 2025 succeeds.

Check it out for yourself. Plan to attend the Sept. 29 screening in El Paso of the acclaimed documentary: "Bad Faith: Christian Nationalism's Unholy War on Democracy" at the Alamo Drafthouse, 250 Montecillo Blvd., in West El Paso. This is sponsored by Join Us for Justice, the El Paso Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Complimentary tickets are available.

Several supportive contributions have been received to offer a certain number of tickets at no cost.

To reserve your seat, go to . Under the red "continue" button, click on "Sign up without Donating." Of course, we welcome any donations to help us provide this and other important programs in our community.

David Marcus is a founding member of Join Us For Justice, the El Paso Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. He also is the founding partner of Marcus, Fairall Bristol + Co, CPA's. He also is on the board of directors for El Paso Matters.