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The Factoryville Sportsman’s Club will hold a benefit sporting clay shoot on Saturday. The shoot will benefit the club’s youth shooting team. Cost will be $15 for 50 birds and $30 for 100 birds. The shoot will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Kitchen will be open all day. For directions due to a detour, check out our web site at www.fscweb.org . Eye and ear protection required.
The Central Susquehanna Woodland Owners Association will sponsor a program on woodland management on June 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the Park Family Farm and Forest in the Benton area.
The Parks have a diverse wood lot with many of the issues facing central Pennsylvania woodland owners. They have built a 10-acre deer exclosure fence and smaller fences with oak seedlings, allowing participants to see first-hand how much deer really impact the forest. Attendees will also see how old pine plantations have been managed and the results of new hardwood plantings in some of the fields.
The site also has mature forests with looming questions: what can be done with the hemlock trees being attacked by woolly adelgid and with the ash trees given the impending impact of the emerald ash borer? The public is invited to come and learn about what the Parks have done, so that participants can better manage their own wood lots. This free program will be held at the Park Family Farm and Forest, 2098 County Line Road, Benton, Columbia County. For further information and directions, contact Henry Williams at 458-0157 or e-mail [email protected] .
The Pennsylvania Game Commission board will hold its upcoming meeting on June 27-28, in the auditorium of the agency’s Harrisburg headquarters at 2001 Elmerton Ave., just off the Progress Avenue exit of Interstate 81 in Harrisburg.
On Monday, June 27, the Board will gather public comments and hear Game Commission staff reports beginning at 8:30 a.m. Doors will open at 7:45 a.m. Registration for those interested in offering public testimony – limited to five minutes – also will begin at that time.
On Tuesday, June 28, beginning at 8:30 a.m., the Game Commission will take up its prepared agenda, which will be posted on the agency’s website prior to the meeting. Doors will open at 7:45 a.m.
For those unable to attend this meeting, the Game Commission will webcast the meeting beginning with the Game Commission staff reports on Monday, immediately following the conclusion of public comments. The full Board meeting on Tuesday will be webcast beginning at 8:30 a.m. An icon will be posted on the agency’s website ( www.pgc.state.pa.us ) on Monday and Tuesday to access the webcasts.
Pennsylvania hunting and furtaker licenses for the 2011-2012 seasons will go on sale beginning Monday, June 13. Licenses will be available through the Game Commission’s Pennsylvania Automated License System (PALS), over-the-counter at all Game Commission region offices and the Harrisburg headquarters, as well as the more than 600 in-state and out-of-state issuing agents. Licenses also are available through the PALS website: https:// www.pa.wildlifelicense.com .
For the 2011-12 license year, all fees are the same as they have been since 1999. There is a 70-cent transaction fee attached to the purchase of each license and permit, which is paid directly to Active Outdoors, the Nashville-based company that runs PALS. Returning PALS customers are encouraged to provide their Customer Identification Number (CID) to speed up processing.