
Pay It 4ward: One of a Kind Kids teacher thanked for helping children

T.Brown10 hr ago

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Perseverance and determination shows on the face of every student in a classroom at One of a Kind Kids.

They may be young, but they have big dreams, and some big battles that we don't see.

"Sleepless nights. I can remember nights when he has five older siblings we all took shifts we would sleep half an hour so that way somebody was always up watching him," said Chrissy Hinojo.

Chrissy Hinojos' son, Zion, is a fourth grader. He thrives in the classroom and is enrolled in remote learning programs.

Children come to One of a Kind Kids year round to receive emotional and social support and help with learning.

"Here I don't worry about him, I'm at peace when he's there, I'm comfortable with him being there," said Chrissy.

But it hasn't always been that way.

"My son is 10 years old with epilepsy and a lot of other medical conditions. A lot of cognitive delays due to epilepsy, we never expected my son to be able to read," Chrissy said.

With the help of his teacher, Monica Garcia-Roach, Hinojos' son has made the kind of progress she could only pray for.

"I remember telling her, I just want him to be able to read my one bible story. And I remember the night he read me a bible story, I was texting her saying, 'He read me a bible story' and me and her were crying," said Chrissy.

Garcia-Roach opened the nonprofit last August. She's been a special education teacher for more than a decade.

All of her students have chronic illnesses or special needs. Garcia-Roach does all of this without a paycheck.

So it was time to Pay It 4ward.

Watch the video above for more.