
Performing Arts Group Seeks Community Support, Talent

R.Johnson3 months ago

Debra Mainiero
Sunday, December 12, 1999 Page:

Three years ago, a group of local people devoted to the pursuit of cultural
events in the Hazleton area formed the Pennsylvania Theatre of Performing Arts
Inc. Through a lease/purchase agreement with Faith United Church of Christ,
the organization now has its own Community Arts Center located at 161 N.
Laurel St., Hazleton.

As a nonprofit organization, the group’s purpose is to foster, support,
promote, sponsor and encourage all aspects of the performing arts by providing
the necessary teaching and nurturing of drama and theater for our children.
The group looks forward to providing our area with even more musical
productions in the future. In the year 2000, its members hope to bring to the
stage “Annie,” “Brigadoon,” “West Side Story” and “Godspell.”

But in order to accomplish this, the organization requires the support of
the community in the form of volunteers and memberships. Perhaps you have a
hidden talent you can share with this enthusiastic group. You can also help to
enhance cultural awareness in our community by choosing one of these
membership levels: Star, $15; Angel, $25; Applause, $100; Bravo, $500; Encore,
$1,000; and Standing Ovation, $5,000. Send your check to Pennsylvania Theater
of Performing Arts Inc., 161 N. Laurel St., Hazleton, PA 18201 or call

* * *

Christmas in Eckley returns today from noon-5 p.m. This year’s theme is
“The Irish Traditions of Christmas.” All public buildings will be open for
tours, and entertainment will be provided throughout the day. Call 636-2070.

* * *

The Anthracite Polka Association will hold its annual Christmas Party from

the Polka Naturals will provide the music. Included is dinner and dancing,
free beer and soda, and a cash bar. Call 455-1737 to reserve.

The association will celebrate New Year’s Eve according to the Julian
calendar, Jan. 9 from 3-7 p.m. at Stefanisko’s with The Golden Tones. Watch
for coming details!

* * *

Today at 2 p.m. the Hazleton Art League will sponsor guest lecturer Dr.
Nancy G. Heller, whose topic will be “Dirty Pictures: A Brief History of Art
Censorship.” Heller will show how art censorship has been around as long as
art has existed and how the visual arts have often caused religious, political
and legal controversy. This free lecture is open to the public and will
include a slide presentation. The league is located at 225 E. Broad St.,

* * *

Today is your last chance to donate a warm blanket to the Action Club of
Holy Spirit Academy for its annual “Blanket Drive.” Place your donation in
the bin located in center court at the Laurel Mall. Blankets will be
distributed to families in need within our area.

* * *

The Millennium Choir of McAdoo will present its Christmas Concert today at

open free to the public. Refreshments will follow the performance. This choir
represents the combined efforts of several church choirs in McAdoo.

* * *

Tonight at 7, the Herald Biblical Theatrical Co. will present the musical
production of “Shalt Call His Name Jesus” at Christ Lutheran Church, Main
Street, Conyngham. A free-will offering will be collected to help Herald
support its ministry. Refreshments will be served in Roth Hall after the show.

* * *

The Sugarloaf Valley Chapter of the Compassionate Friends will hold a
“Candlelight Memorial Service” this evening at 7 at the United Methodist
Church, Main Street, Conyngham. Refreshments will follow, and the public is
welcome to attend.

To commemorate National Children’s Memorial Day, candles will be lit around
the world at 7 p.m. to honor children who have died.

Our local chapter of Compassionate Friends is a self-help group for
families who have lost a child. Members meet the third Monday of each month at

the meeting.

* * *

Singles Organized Alliance for Recreation will hold a “ ’90s Count Down
Dance Party” Dec. 19, 7-11 p.m. at Stefanisko’s, state Route 309 south,
Hazleton. (Note the change in date this month only.) Dressy attire is
required. Admission is $5 and open to members and non-members. Music will be
provided by DJ Mike Genetti.

Membership in SOAR in open to all single adults for $15 a year. You can
pick up an application at the dance or by calling 454-5008.

* * *

The Separated and Divorced Support Group will meet at 7 p.m. Dec. 20 in the
parish center of St. John Bosco Church, state Route 93, Conyngham. In the
event of inclement weather, the meeting will be postponed until January. Plans
will also be discussed for future guest speakers. Refreshments will be
provided by the church after the meeting.

The group is non-denominational, and confidentiality is assured to
participants. These free meetings are open to the public and generally held
the third Monday of each month. Contact facilitator Rose Bodner through the
church office, 788-1997.

* * *

This is the last week to buy tickets to see the “Victorian Yuletide”
Lilly Langtry Dinner Show next Sunday at Edgewood in the Pines, Butler
Township. A full-course dinner will be served at noon, followed by the show,
which features Lucille Fala. The cost of both is $25 per person. Tickets can
be purchased at the office of Volunteers of America, 24 E. Broad St.,
Hazleton, or by calling Alice Kender at 454-3812. Proceeds benefit the Greater
Hazleton Volunteer Caregivers.

* * *

The La Leche League of Greater Hazleton will meet at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 20 in
the second-floor board meeting room of the Hazleton-St. Joseph Medical Center.
Mothers and mothers-to-be who would like to learn more about breast-feeding
are invited to attend. Babies are always welcome. The topic will be “Weaning
and Starting Solids.”

The league offers mother-to-mother help at its meetings along with informal
discussions, personal experience and the latest medical research. Services
include a lending library of books on childbirth, breast-feeding and
nutrition. Call League Leaders Tracey Potoskie, 636-1575; Kelly Hoherchak,

* * *

Maternal and Family Health Services Inc. has received funding to provide
free breast and cervical cancer screenings to eligible women in Hazleton and
the surrounding area. The program “HealthyWoman Project” is funded in part
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, under contract with the
Pennsylvania Department of Health.

To be eligible for the services, women must be 50-64 years old (although
women under the age of 50 may qualify), be uninsured or under-insured and be
at or below 250 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines. Women with
an HMO health plan or who are on Medicare Part B are not eligible for the

The screening consists of a Pap test, pelvic and breast examination,
instruction in breast self-examination and referral for a mammogram. The
“HealthyWoman Project” is dedicated to increasing public awareness of the
importance of early detection in reducing one’s risk of breast and cervical

General Hospital at 501-4329, or Planned Parenthood at 454-0876. You may also
call Maternal and Family Health Services Inc. at (800) 367-6347.

* * *

There will be a blood drive Dec. 23 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Office and
Education Building of Hazleton General Hospital. This will replace the usual
Friday bloodmobile held at this location due to the holiday. Sixty donors are

In order to donate blood you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least

call (800) 432-8045.

* * *

If you are a single adult, there’s still time to sign up to attend the New
Year’s Eve “New Millennium Dance Party” at 7 p.m. Dec. 31 at Stefanisko’s,
state Route 309 south, Hazleton. Sponsored by Singles Organized Alliance for
Recreation, this event will feature music by DJ Mike Genetti. Dressy attire is
required. There will be a get-acquainted hour, home-style dinner, dancing,
champagne and noisemakers. Cost is $25 for members and $40 for non-members.
Make payments out to SOAR and send to: P.O. Box 872, Hazleton, PA 18201.
Deadline to reserve is Dec. 27. For information, call Rose, 454-5008, or
Wilma, 454-3702.

* * *

The Penn State Alumni Chapter of Greater Hazleton will sponsor a
“Basketball Bus Trip” Jan. 15 to University Park for the PSU-Iowa game. The
bus will leave from the Highacres Campus. Cost is $32, which includes the game
and bus tickets. This trip is open to the public. To reserve, call Kurt
Holzman, 454-1759, or Dennis Ganc, 454-7605.

* * *

Monday evening is the deadline for next Sunday’s column. You can call me
with your nonprofit organization’s events at 454-2821 or send a fax to this
number after calling me first. Send e-mail to: [email protected] and regular
mail to: Debra Mainiero, 357 Muir Ave., Hazleton,