
Physical therapist has license revoked

T.Lee34 min ago

The Virginia Board of Physical Therapy has revoked the license of a physical therapist for unprofessional conduct while working at a facility in Stuart.

The regulating agency determined that Scott engaged in conduct "of a sexual nature that a reasonable patient would consider lewd and offensive, between Jan. 10 and March 12, of 2024."

The Board determined that from Jan. 17 until May 30, 2023, Scott provided physical therapy to a 74-year-old patient with bipolar disorder, a history of depression, and symptoms of dementia and was recovering at a rehabilitation facility in Stuart. After the patient was discharged to her home, Scott began making sexually explicit texts to the patient.

The patient admitted sending a photograph and participating in a video call with Scott.

The facility where Scott worked terminated his employment Feb. 2, after they became aware of an ongoing police investigation against him.

The patient stated that even though multiple dates were arranged between her and Scott via text messages, he never showed up.

"When his employer reviewed Mr. Scott's work laptop, they discovered that he had approximately 30 open tabs on his computer" and "had been messaging elderly women while he was at work."

Scott was reprimanded and placed on indefinite probation on May 15, 2023, and the most recent order revokes Scott's license to practice physical therapy in Virginia.

The order states that Scott is eligible to seek reinstatement of his license after three years, and must receive three-fourths of the Board member's support at a formal administration proceeding where the burden will be upon Scott to demonstrate that he is safe and competent to return to the practice of physical therapy.

Bill Wyatt (276) 591-7543

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