
Police speak to Middlesbrough Independent candidate Mark Baxtrem after a razor blade fell from his Peaky Blinders-style cap

S.Martin14 hr ago
An independent candidate has been quizzed by police after a razor blade fell from his Peaky Blinders-style cap at a general election count.

Mark Baxtrem, standing for Middlesbrough and Thornaby East, prompted concerns while awaiting his constituency's result when the blade was seen on the floor.

Cleveland Police officers questioned him, with Mr Baxtrem - who quickly placed it back in his headwear - reportedly explaining he was a farmer and had it for his work.

It was also suggested the 59-year-old told of using it to shave callouses from his feet.

Police said they would have to confiscate the blade, the Northern Echo reported.

No further police action appears to have been taken and he was seen on stage as the results were announced, with a victory for Labour's sitting MP Andy McDonald.

His cap was a similar style to those worn by gangsters in the BBC 's popular drama Peaky Blinders , set in 1920s Birmingham and starring Oscar-winner Cilian Murphy.

Mr Baxtrem, standing as an independent, won 383 votes - 1.11 per cent of the 52.39 per cent turnout.

He was quoted as saying of the razor: 'I declared that the blade was mine. I carry it to look after the callouses on my feet from walking the streets campaigning - if I don't scrape the skin off, it leaves my feet bleeding.'

Mr Baxtrem, a former environmental engineer and volunteer firefighter, previously accused Cleveland Police of 'harassing' him during his election campaigning and said he had lodged a complaint.

He told of being arrested twice in recent weeks and having vehices impounded despite no charges being laid against him, Teesside Live reported.

He said last month: 'I don't know why I have a relationship with Cleveland Police like I do because honestly I'm a hardworking lad, I'm at church every Sunday.

'I'm a bit of a handful and I'm full of attitude but I'm not a criminal.

'I've somehow set a flag with Cleveland Police that just gets me arrested, detained and messed about all the time which is why I display some attitude whenever I encounter them.'

The force said in response that it would be 'inappropriate' to comment to comment on his allegations during the election campaign.

Mr Baxtrem said in an online Crowdfunder appeal promoting his candidacy: 'After over four decades of environmental engineering work, two decades a committed and successful trade union shop-floor steward and a spell as a volunteer fireman - I seek to represent the town of my birth in the UK parliament to fully and earnestly represent the needs and views of my town at the highest level.

'I have a (part) degree in Politics, Economics and Philosophy and a passion to serve the town that I love and its wonderful people.

'This I will do the the fullest of my abilities and champion our town at every opportunity.

'If successful - I will not personally benefit from an MP's salary - I shall live on what you live on - an average wage for the boro is all that I will take for my endeavours.'