Puig & Pirates, Homer & Harper highlight 1st half
M.Cooper3 months ago
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(AP) Just for fun, let’s turn back the baseball clock a few months.A well-rested Stephen Strasburg and the Washington Nationals are destined to face Josh Hamilton and the Los Angeles Angels in the World Series. The Houston Astros have the best record in baseball. Manny Ramirez is playing in Taiwan. And no one is quite sure how to pronounce the name of this Puig guy.
Well, a few things are still the same: Homer Bailey remains the last guy to throw a no-hitter, Miguel Cabrera swings the most devastating bat in the majors and, well, the drug cloud isn’t going away anytime soon.
As the All-Star game approaches next week at Citi Field, a look at the first half of the season:
Read the full article:https://www.timesleader.com/archive/119338/news-apsports-334509747881192922-puig-pirates-homer-harper-highlight-1st-half