
Puppy was brutally attacked and left to die. Then a good Samaritan came to his rescue

D.Davis3 hr ago
Pennsylvania Puppy was brutally attacked and left to die. Then a good Samaritan came to his rescue

A happy dog is alive today thanks to the swift efforts of a guardian angel who took matters into their own hands in Pennsylvania.

Ang, who wasn't even out of puppyhood yet, had already been through something traumatic at the hands of an unknown assailant, a Philadelphia shelter said.


" Stabbed and left for dead ," the Pennsylvania SPCA said in a Sept. 20 Facebook post. "A white coat covered in blood. 10-month-old Ang could have died last Friday."

But thanks to a person with a good heart and quick thinking skills, Ang was able to get the help he desperately needed.

"But, instead, a Good Samaritan tied a child's shirt around him to stem the bleeding, and rushed him to our Philadelphia headquarters," the post continued. "With deep, penetrating wounds to his back, dangerously close to important organs, and a deep laceration on his neck, his injuries were not accidental."

Even though Ang was now in the care of professionals, he still wasn't out of the woods.

"How had a young, friendly puppy like Ang received such horrific wounds? We may never know. But, what we did know was that he needed our help emergently," the post said.

"Our hospital team immediately took x-rays, placed an IV, and monitored him closely. When his condition began to deteriorate, it was determined he needed immediate exploratory surgery. Our team rushed Ang to an emergency hospital for that critical overnight care," the shelter said.

The shelter was able to save the pup's life, but he has a road to complete recovery ahead of him.

"When he returned, he was bright, alert and happy," the shelter said. "He is still recovering in our hospital, but we hope that through our lifesaving work, his future will be one that can erase his past trauma."

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