
Readers sound off on opposition to Prop 1, Harris’ rhetoric and Bill Clinton

E.Garcia31 min ago

Recognize the ideology veiled by the argument

Westlake Village, Calif.: Re " Vote NO to protect seniors' rights " (op-ed, Oct. 13): Makenna McCoy from Independent Women's Voice (IWV) attempts to alter the key issue in Proposal 1 (which the Daily News supports) from a state constitutional amendment that would ensure women have control over their own bodies to an issue hurting seniors. Thus, she opposes Prop 1. Nice try, Makenna.

You would be hard-pressed to find a more inappropriately named group than Independent Women's Voice and its sister organization, Independent Women's Forum. These are dangerous groups representing extremist, far-right policies while purporting to represent independent American women. The watchdog Center for Media and Democracy describes IWV as "marketing right-wing ideas to reach independent women voters under the guise of neutrality."

On its website, IWV's mission is to "enhance people's freedom, opportunities and well-being." How they are expanding women's freedom by taking away their most fundamental right to control their own bodies exposes them as hypocritical to the point of being fraudulent.

And according to Ms. magazine, Independent Women's Voice has financial ties to right-wing activist Leonard Leo (photo). Political strongman Leo is notorious for his campaign to stack the U.S. Supreme Court with justices hand-picked for their anti-choice agenda. Independent? As Larry David would say, "Nah, I don't think so."

If IWV wants to support an extremist, anti-women agenda, that's their business. Just don't tell women it's protecting them when it's downgrading their fundamental rights. Ken Ferber

Italia pride

Brooklyn: How about a special shout-out for Italian Heritage Month? Maybe someday we can get a full-page ad for a month. Josie Oliveri

Outsider appeal

Daytona, Fla.: To Voicer Gerald Browne: Your comments reflect your view of what is happening this election. That view is skewed by the media manipulation you succumb to every day. Kamala Harris has no world or national experience or common sense. The woman has worked on the government dole her entire life (except when she supposedly worked for McDonald's, which even McDonald's disputes). Do we really want another government worker, with no significant accolades to her name, to represent us, or someone who was in the process of creating smaller government, better-managed national security (can you say energy independence) and a better economy? Do you not question why the mainstream media and the in-house, entrenched government is so against him and change to make things better? I would rather have a nasty, tweeter businessman than a sad excuse for a fill-in. Sandra Weiss

Questionable curriculum

Briarwood: What is happening at Penn's Wharton School of Business such that its star graduate (in 1968) advocates a tariff-based international trade system because he believes it is best for the economy? I thought Wharton was a good school. Obviously, I was wrong. Mary Elizabeth Ellis


Brooklyn: I was just wondering about the people who are voting for Donald Trump. Have they lost their senses? He's a liar, a felon, a sexual predator, a woman abuser, he's for the rich and not for the middle-class or the poor. He makes fun of people with disabilities and he called our fallen soldiers and Marines losers and suckers. He's got no shame, he lets out gas in front of people. If you vote for him, you don't really care about America. He gave COVID test kits and machines to Vladimir Putin while our own people were dying and scrambling for tests. I wouldn't vote for a con man. He's a circus entertainer. MAPA (Make America Proud Again). Violeta Maya

Talking smack

Tamarac, Fla.: Kamala Harris has become desperate! She knows she has lost ground since being exposed as a politically ineffectual Democrat, especially when speaking unscripted. She must rely on selected others to carry her through her campaign in their mission to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. It is obvious to the world that this Democratic Party's hate for Trump is a ridiculous show put on by a cast of biased players whose transparency is finally being exposed. Even more transparent is Harris finding her comfort zone in bashing Trump, because bashing rhetoric is a lot easier for her than political rhetoric. You know well that Trump always had to defend himself from the Democrats' loathing of his competitive agendas. The Republican Party will become a newly developed Democratic Party and the old, broken Democratic Party will now become a full-fledged Liberal Progressive Party. It is what it is, folks! Roberta Chaleff

Legal loophole

Flushing: Does anyone really believe that a person not named Donald Trump would still be walking around loose after a 34-count conviction? There is something wrong with our justice system when it permits this to happen. It indicates that Trump can get away with anything. Lester Simon

Puppet show

Cincinnati: I see the joust as between a marionette whose strings are controlled by Democratic Party apparatchiks and a player piano programmed with abuse and lies by the Republican candidate. Neither contestant is ready for primetime, but it is what it is. Rather than choose between a substantially vacuous cipher with progressive idiots as advisers and a bloviator unguided by discretion, look to the party agendas for guidance. The platforms represent an antinomy, just what you want for an informed choice. And yes, do hold your nose when voting. Paul Bloustein

Peace through victory

Brooklyn: It's interesting how Voicer Michael Schnackenberg, an obvious Trump hater, can't find any facts to besmirch Trump with, so he has to resort to an open and obvious lie that "Trump... negotiated the pullout of American troops from Afghanistan." And calling Benjamin Netanyahu a warmonger shows Schnackenberg's total lack of understanding of how to deal with people who have attacked you: You eliminate the attackers. Negotiating with evil only invites more attacks. Those who negotiated with the Nazis paid dearly for it. Kelly Peterson

Doesn't add up

Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Every month, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs added to the job market. Yet, the number of people applying for unemployment goes up. I don't get it. Is somebody lying? Pete McKenna

Top talent

Syosset, L.I.: Now that the New York Jets have traded for Davante Adams, they should hold a press conference with Aaron Rodgers, Allen Lazard and Davante Adams, and they can show Jets fans all of the Super Bowl rings they have won together. Laurence Haynes

Line of sight

Brooklyn: " Slowing down to save lives " (editorial, Oct. 15) hits the nail on the head regarding city decisions about speed limits and that they should be data-driven. However, I am disappointed that there wasn't more discussion of "daylighting" as a safety treatment. There is a legislative effort underway to mandate New York City's adherence to state daylighting laws. Currently, the city has the option to exempt itself from laws that require 20 feet of visibility at intersections with a crosswalk — meaning the 20 feet of curb preceding a crosswalk do not need to be cleared of parked cars or other obstructions. New York State Assembly Bill A9985A and its Senate counterpart, S9769, would remove that option and require the city to meet the same safety standards as the state. This effort, and daylighting as a safety treatment, need more attention if the city is ever going to achieve its goal of zero traffic fatalities. Alex Morano

Lusty leader

Brooklyn: Did I just hear Bill Clinton say at the Ethel Kennedy eulogy that Ethel flirted with him in an innocent way? This guy just doesn't stop. I guess when he's 6 feet under, he will give it up already. Mariann Tepedino