
Readers sound off on President Biden’s record, transgender prisoners and animal cruelty

J.Wright9 hr ago

Judge Biden on his agenda, not his debate flop

San Francisco: During Thursday's presidential debate, Donald Trump threw Molotov cocktail after Molotov cocktail of lies. It's a shame the president had a virtual inability to make his case, because he has a strong case to make.

President Biden's stimulus package during COVID provided an essential psychological safety net from which the economy roared back. Crime under Biden compared to Trump has fallen dramatically — virtually every kind of crime, from petty to violent. Corporate profits under Biden are near or at a record high. Job creation reflects an economy that is the strongest in the world. Biden made the point that under Trump, the U.S. deficit soared to its highest level in history relative to GDP. Biden inherited a deficit and an economic decline that made inflation inevitable. There was no adequate answer to the supply chain issue short of a surge in inflation. That was aided and abetted by Russia's naked invasion of a sovereign country. That aggression caused energy prices to rise substantially. Trump did his best to splinter NATO and Vladimir Putin exploited this. Yes, the aggression had to be deterred and Biden was his own man in doing this!

Trump parrots Putin's talking points. His disdain for America's commitment to Ukraine is a clear example. Trump would have America believe that under Roe, late-term abortions were the rule rather than the exception. Trump would have had the country believe that Jan. 6 was meaningless! He would have us believe that the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol that day were "freedom fighters" falsely imprisoned.

Biden had a bad debate night, but his principles are strong. America needs him. Bruce Farrell Rosen


Kearny, N.J.: After President Biden's disastrous debate performance, I understand the temptation for Democratic bigwigs to rally around him and carry his bags. I just wish it wasn't a colostomy bag! Kevin Dale

The real question

Garden City, L.I.: After the debate the other night, you need to ask yourself, would you rather have an old guy who wants nothing more than to better the middle class and has worked for it his entire political career, but who maybe wasn't the best orator that night — or would you rather be lied to by an old career narcissist and convicted felon who cares about no one but himself and said it very clearly. Well, do ya? Paul Falabella

Don't believe your eyes

Merrick, L.I.: It truly is scary how far the right-wing and MAGA Republicans will go with their deep fakes as they did on June 27. That they would make Biden look and sound the way they did at the presidential debate is a testament to what can be done with computer editing. All anyone needs to know is that Biden is the most cognitively healthy person who ever held the office of president. Just ask Jill. Donald Ziminski

New Milford, N.J.: Isn't there a federal law saying convicted felons can not hold public office? Thirty-four felony convictions should get his name off the ballot. Also, a traitor showing classified documents to a Russian! Leonard Strassberg

Let's keep looking

Spring Valley, N.Y.: Is there any way the November election can be postponed for a year? Maybe we can get two candidates who people are excited about. Delores McDonald

Demagogue playbook

Blairstown, N.J.: To Voicer Marilyn D. Rodriguez: Boy, did you hit the nail on the head! Especially when our nation's birthday is coming so soon. George Washington, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson have to be rolling in their graves right now. The orange pumpkin has brainwashed the deadheads in this country the same way Hitler did with the citizens of Germany. Forget this MAGA nonsense — I prefer "AWAG," or America Was Always Great. Ron Cristi

Abortion insensitivity

Briarwood: It horrifies me how Republicans are using the tragedy of late-term abortions to make political points. Let's examine what is really happening. The statistics I've read indicate that two-thirds or more of abortions are medically induced in the first trimester. Given the availability of this option, why would a reasonable person expose herself to the pain of a late-term abortion? Answer: The late-term abortion pregnancy is probably a wanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, something has gone terribly wrong — either the mother is at risk or the fetus is not viable. If the pregnancy is permitted to continue, the probabilities are that great harm would come to the mother and/or the fetus will die within hours or days of birth. Instead of condemning women for making the decision to have a late-term abortion, there should be sympathy for the loss of a child that was wanted. Mary Elizabeth Ellis


Flushing: The New York Rangers' biggest mistake was not taking a page out of District Attorney Alvin Bragg's playbook. They should have had Mike Richter and Brian Leach as the referees. George Glowacky

Choose wisely

North Babylon, L.I.: Knicks, please don't trade away scrappy players for prima donnas like Devin Booker , Kevin Durant , etc. Gene Tracy

Mysterious motives

Manhattan: Gov. Hochul's stated reason for her sudden reversal on congestion pricing was that the $15 toll is too burdensome for working people. But most people coming into Manhattan for work take public transportation. My friends who live outside the city park their cars at a train or bus station and take public transit to work. So, perhaps there's another reason for the reversal. Could it be the two large car dealer lobbying groups that have been fighting congestion pricing and happen to be some of Hochul's major donors? Curbing air pollution, meeting New York's climate goals and keeping the MTA's capital improvements on track should be Hochul's top priorities, not appeasing corporate donors. Linda Novenski

Trans and trapped

Bronx: The recent report on the horrific choice forced upon a transgender detainee on Rikers Island — between an ice pick and sexual assault — highlights a gross failure in our correctional system. I have experienced that kind of horrifying violence before, and as the LGBTQ liaison at Osborne Association, I am acutely aware of the systemic abuse and discrimination faced by transgender individuals in custody. The city has been busy preparing for the NYC Pride March. As we celebrate the LGBTQ and TGNCNB community, we must do more to protect transgender people everywhere. My personal experience tells me that transgender detainees are disproportionately targeted for violence and are often denied even the most basic protections. No number of parades or proclamations will ensure the dignity and safety of incarcerated people. The city can demonstrate its support by committing personnel and resources to ensure that every person on Rikers has their dignity and safety protected. Grace Detravarah

Dog days

Bayside: Sweltering heat, unhealthy air / With wonderful winter, this can't compare / All sorts of insects found everywhere / Disliking summer like no other seasons / You can be certain, with many good reasons! Sarah Alboher

Throw the book

Yonkers: On June 11, a driver was caught on camera dumping a puppy on a New Rochelle street. The good news is she was arrested on June 25 and charged with animal abandonment, which should be prosecuted as a felony. As a lifelong animal lover, I suggest the following: 1) Absolutely no plea deal. 2) Upon conviction, she be sentenced to one year in jail, to be caged as many animals in shelters are, but without the care afforded the animals. 3) That she be taken to a local animal shelter 20 hours a week during incarceration to clean up the dog poop, cat litter, etc. 4) That she be given a lifelong ban on owning, fostering or being responsible for any animal. I have always believed the punishment should fit the crime. These consequences certainly are appropriate for her inhumane cruelty and hopefully prevent others from mistreating animals. Mark Bloom

Community resource

Bronx: To Mayor Adams: Please do not make any further cuts to our public libraries. They are a necessity for everyone. Children and adults learn by reading books and e-books there. Libraries offer many educational programs. People have made friends there. Libraries are cooling centers in the summer months. Public libraries need more funding, not less. Marsha Kolin