
Referendum for schools in Madison should be delayed a year -- Michael Thompson

E.Garcia3 hr ago

The Madison School District referendum asks taxpayers for $507 million to renovate or replace 10 schools. This will increase taxes by $327 a year for the average home. They have advised us that they have 35 more buildings that will need referendums over the next 24 years.

Yet they are not considering any school consolidations, despite some schools being at about 50% capacity and the most current UW estimate is that enrollment will decline over the next five years. School officials point to an estimate that city population will continue to increase as justification. But in the past, the school district's enrollment has declined despite increases in population.

UW will be conducting an update to the estimated future enrollment. This plan was compiled by the previous superintendent and should be put on hold until better information on future enrollments is available to the new superintendent to evaluate. Vote "no" on this referendum and allow the district to reconsider it for next year.

Michael Thompson, Fitchburg