
Rockport residents prepare ahead of possible hurricane

A.Kim13 hr ago

ROCKPORT, Texas — Several weeks ago, the Rockport area was hit by not just flooding but also by an EF0 tornado. 3NEWS covered the story of a Rockport couple who's home was damaged by the tornado.

Now with Hurricane Beryl possibly on the way to South Texas, they're worried there will be additional damage to their home and residents are now preparing for the worst.

The Craigers are still picking up the pieces after a tornado made an unexpected visit in the Rockport area.

With hurricane season just starting, Bonnie and Bob are worried their home will be hit again and there's nothing they can do to prevent further damage.

"Three times we had people come out and tarp the roof," Bonnie said. "We finally think the water stopped and we won't know, we hope we don't get no rain from this hurricane that might be coming here."

The family is still waiting to hear back from the insurance agency. But now with another storm on the way, repairs won't begin for another month or two; possibly leaving the couple homeless.

"But it looks like it's putting a hold on that because I don't want her to bring her travel trailer down if anything is coming down, this weekend," Bonnie said. "I don't want it to get destroyed so it's a waiting game."

The couple said they have no choice but to ride out the storm in their guest house which also needs repairs from previous storms. They hope the storm won't cause more destruction.

"The biggest concern is the wind tiring up the temporary tarp of the roof and more water coming in" Bob said.

On the other side of town Michell McMahon, the owner of Rockport Daily Grind, said her store is no stranger to flooding.

"We had some water in our kitchen and our road, Worth Street and Austin Street both had water flooding it onto our sidewalks and flowerbeds," McMahon said.

She said the flooding from Tropical Storm Alberto was not extensive, but they are not taking any chances with the next storm.

"We've also used sandbags in the past you know to keep as much water out of the shop as possible," McMahon said. "We'll also be doing a plastic barrier under the sandbags against the door frames as well."