
San Antonio high school to recognize national hero, local graduate, killed in Vietnam War

J.Davis32 min ago

According to the chapter, Milton joined the Army after graduation and was sent to Vietnam in January of 1968 where he worked as a radio/telephone operator with the 2/502 battalion of the 101st Airborne Division Air Assault.

"Grievously wounded, he continued to press the attack, crawling forward into a firing position and delivering accurate covering fire to enable his platoon to maneuver and destroy the position. Not until the position was overrun did Pfc. Lee falter in his steady volume of fire and succumb to his wounds. Pfc. Lee's heroic actions saved the lives of the lead element and were instrumental in the destruction of the key position of the enemy defense. Pfc. Lee's gallantry at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on himself, the 502d Infantry, and the U.S. Army."