
Shameless GOP and inferior candidates [letter]

E.Wright9 hr ago
I'm no fan of President Joe Biden, but ...

During his recent criminal trial in New York, Donald Trump was represented by the very best legal counsel. Trump's team screened and approved jurors and presented his best possible defense, only to see him convicted of his crimes.

Trump's punishment? A full-throated welcome from congressional Republicans for his post-conviction visit to Capitol Hill.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler criticized the use of taxpayer dollars for a recent event at the state Capitol that was held, in part, to honor two law enforcement officers who defended the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot (" Cutler blasts 2 events ," June 14 LNP | LancasterOnline). Some state Republican lawmakers booed the officers' appearance on the state House floor.

These are two perfect examples of the classless and shameless behaviors so many Republicans delight in exhibiting these days.

How did the electorate end up with a choice between Biden and Trump? What kind of government will we have beginning on Inauguration Day in January 2025? Where is our country headed?

Any citizen who is not scared about the future of the United States simply isn't paying attention.

John Snavely

Cornwall, Lebanon County