“Small Business Saturday” sees crowd in Rochester
L.Thompson3 months ago
ROCHESTER, Minn. (KTTC) – Shoppers seemed to out in full swing to participate in Small Business Saturday in Rochester. American Express created the day in 2010 to kick off the holiday shopping season for small businesses. In 2014, then-Rochester mayor Ardell Brede officially declared the last Saturday in November as “Small Business Saturday.” It’s been celebrated in the community ever since. The city said small business Saturday boosts the economy, creates jobs and preserves neighborhoods in Rochester. According to American Express, shoppers spent nearly $18 billion on small business Saturday last year. “Every community wants to have an identity and identities come through your local stores and local businesses,” Sargent’s owner Nick Sargent said. “We get to do a lot of giving back to different nonprofit organizations like all of the pet rescues and just we give a lot back to the community too,” Rochester Pet and Country Store owner Netta Putzier said. “You’re supporting somebody’s dream like mine,” Real Deals owner Ashley Moberg said. “You’re supporting employees that work for the business and you’re also supporting your town your dollars stay local.”
Read the full article:https://www.kttc.com/2023/11/26/small-business-saturday-sees-crowd-rochester/