
Sound Off: Sept. 22, 2024

E.Wright2 hr ago

I'm saddened by the "death by cop" of Isaiah Winkley. As his father said, he didn't do anything to deserve to die. The cam recording shows the deputy shooting him 3 minutes after first arriving. So, the excuses were that this young man was moving slowly toward the deputy and had a metal pipe. The deputy was 10 feet away and the "weapon" was used to prop him up. He had no gun, bow and arrow or knife.

Beach cleanup

Kudos to our Sand Beach Dept. and their hard-working employees. They have done an excellent job cleaning our beach and walkways, quickly clearing the debris left by Francine. Thank you a job well done.

Lay off Coast Electric

Customers are expressing outrage at having to pay Coast Electric for service not previously billed. They're not charging you for something you didn't use, in fact, you got it free for several months. If you think it's too much, you should have turned your thermostat higher.

Rough roads

Hey, Biloxi leaders, Cruisin' The Coast guests won't be happy with the state of Eisenhower and Beauvoir at Highway 90. If the surface of these heavily used roads isn't finished in time at least mark the roads at these rough spots and put up warning signs.

Grow up

Gulfport councilmen Flowers and Sharp are silly, just plain silly. They need to handle their tiffs outside of City Hall.

Emergency treatment

Why did the teen victim of a gunshot have to be airlifted out of state? During COVID, a friend's teenager had to airlifted Jackson. This is horrible that we don't have access to emergency care for children. Let's address this with our elected officials.

One vote

It doesn't matter how many ballots you received, only one will be recorded. There is a data base which is checked at the polls. Believe me, the way they are trolling ballots, they ain't missing any.

The Swift vote

A TV commentator talking about Taylor Swift's endorsement of Vice President Harris had it right, saying "That'll wrap up the 11-to-16-year old vote for Harris."

Voter suppression

Speaker Johnson failed again to pass a bill to require voters to prove their citizenship at the polls even with the proper ID. Why are the Republicans hellbent on making it harder for us to vote? They waste money looking for voter fraud hoping to find someone voting illegally.

DEI is an initiative developed to level the playing field in hiring and give "qualified" non-whites a chance to positions that otherwise would probably be unavailable. It's no secret that non-whites are denied jobs that are giving to less qualified whites. I have personally witnessed this. Many times, non-whites excel without getting promoted or credit for their work or ideas. This ploy to blame DEI for lack of success is getting old.

We need an answer

What a horrendous turn of events that two separate incidents could have ended Donald Trump's life. Let's put the blame where it truly belongs: Two different people with mental problems and weapons the NRA-owned Republican party will fight until the end for their right to possess, are solely responsible.

Real concern

The author of the recent AR Sound Off spent a great deal of effort to educate us on the fact that, technically, the AR gun is not an assault weapon. Well, it sure does a lot of assaulting to the kids who are being gunned down. Gun regulations will make our schools safer