
St. Stanislaus To Hold Rummage Sale

S.Wilson3 months ago

Tuesday, June 13, 2000 Page: 4

I recently got a new library card from the Mill Memorial Library. Part of a
resolution to read more this summer. The cards are much different from the
older one I used to have. They are now plastic, with a computer bar code, and
can be used at any library in Luzerne County. That is so neat! Much more
convenient than having to get a card from each individual library. That means
now I can travel around Luzerne County looking for biographical books on by
favorite subjects – Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and Pope John XXIII. The
book I am reading now is “The Case Against Hillary Clinton” by Peggy Noonan.
Interesting book. Every summer, back when I was in school, I used to do a lot
of reading. I hope that the school children today use some of their vacation
time to read. There are a lot of good books out there! Besides reading, there
are plenty of other activities going on in the Nanticoke area ... let’s get
right to them.

Happy birthday to Mike Sabulski, on East Union St. who celebrates on June


Neil Nowakowski, son of Gene and Diane Nowakowski of Nanticoke recently
graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Pharmacy. He will be working
locally for Rite Aid.


Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred D. Gabb of Lake Silkworth, formerly of Nanticoke,

celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary on June 8. Mrs. Gabb is the

former Jean Hunter. Wilfred Gabb is a retired sheet metal worker.


Happy 30th wedding anniversary to Anne and Ed Emelett of Hanlin Drive in
Nanticoke, who celebrate today, June 13. These greetings come from sister
Julia Fossum of Richmond, Kentucky.


As part of its Memorial Day celebration, the Lt. Chester F. Strzalka
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8353 presented a pin to Nello Roke to
commemorate his 50 consecutive years of membership in the local post. Roke
joined the post on May 1, 1950. During his years of membership he has held the
offices of commander, senior vice-commander, junior vice-commander and
trustee. The pin presentation was made by post charter member John D. Gregory.

Happy birthday to Gerald Ostopowicz of Nanticoke who celebrated recently.


Happy birthday greetings are extended to Stanley Levendoski, who also
celebrated a birthday.


Joe Zakrzewski of Nanticoke has a birthday coming up. Happy birthday from


Had the privilege of attending Class Day at Greater Nanticoke Area High
School last week. Congratulations to all the winners. Back on my class day, I
was given the award for “Highest Average in Social Studies,” so I am partial
to that particular award. Congratulations to Lena Galicki, Kim Heffron (the
Joseph Piech Award) and Teresa Galicki and Gina Domulevicz (American Legion
Post 350 Award) who achieved the “highest average in Social Studies” at this
year’s awards.

Newport Township Tax Collector Arnold Morucci reminds residents that the
face value on county and municipal taxes ends on Thursday, June 15. All taxes
paid after this date will be in the penalty period. Anyone wishing to have
their taxes picked up at home is asked to call 736-6148 for an appointment.


The Superintendent’s office of the Greater Nanticoke Area School District
requests that any club or organization who anticipates the need to use any
school grounds during the 2000-2001 school year submit their request in
writing by August 31. Call the office at 735-1270 for more information.

The Newport Township Lions Club will conduct its monthly business meeting
on Wednesday, June 14, at 7 p.m. at the Centre Inn, Sheatown. The club’s
monthly dinner meeting will be held on June 28 for the installation of
officers for the coming year. All members are requested to attend. Lion Andrew
Gotcha will preside.


Quality Hill Playground Club will meet June 14, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
Election of officers will be held. Every member is asked to attend.


The Glen Lyon Social Club will meet tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Italian
American Sporting Club in Glen Lyon. A strawberry social will be held.

The Nanticoke Senior Center will be traveling to the Mt. Airy Lodge on
Tuesday, July 25 for the performance of King Henry and the Showmen in “God
Bless the USA.” The group will be traveling to the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre
on Wednesday, September 6 to see the production of “Me and My Girl.” Seats
remain open at this time and reservations for these trips are now being taken
and may be made by calling the center at 735-1670.


Holy Family Church, 828 Main St. in Sugar Notch will hold their annual
summer festival on Friday, July 14 through Sunday, July 16 at the parish
grounds. Food and beverages will be available. A polka Mass will be celebrated
at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 15.


St. George’s Episcopal Church, 408 E. Main St., Nanticoke will hold church
services at 9 a.m. on Father’s Day, June 18. Immediately following the
services, a breakfast for men and boys, served by the women and girls of the
church, will be held. For reservations call 735-6066 or 477-2249.


On Saturday, June 24, St. Francis of Assisi Church will honor Monsignor
John W. Jordan for his service to the parish and the community with a Mass of
Thanksgiving at 5:30 p.m. Following the Mass, a picnic reception will be held
on church grounds. Watch “The Nanticoke Notebook” next week for more


St. Francis Church will hold a Vacation Bible School summer program the
week of June 26-30 from 9 a.m. to noon. Children in pre-school through grade
six are eligible to enroll. Volunteers are needed to assist with the various
programs and activities. There is a charge of $10 per child or $15 per family
to cover the cost of materials and snacks. Registration forms are available at
the table in the back of the church. Please fill out information and leave
them in the box provided.


The Usher’s Club of St. Mary’s Church, 1030 S. Hanover St., will hold their
annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on Sunday, June 25 in the Parish Center.
Serving will be from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Cost is $5 for adults, $2.50 for


St. Stanislaus Church in Nanticoke will hold a Rummage Sale on Friday, June

bag sale will be held on Saturday, June 17 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Proceeds
will benefit the youth group.


Food preparations begin this week for Holy Trinity’s Annual Parish Festival
(which will be held July 7,8,9). Potato pierogi are being made this week.
Cheese pierogi will be made next week. Workers are needed.


The Newtown Fire Company #2 of Hanover Township will hold Rock Fest 2000
from Friday, July 21 through Sunday, July 23 at the firefighters grove off
West Liberty St. in the Newtown Section of Hanover Twp. The event begins at 6
p.m. nightly. The Rock Fest features 3 area bands: Flaxy Morgan on Friday, 40
Lb. Head on Saturday and Bad Hair Day on Sunday. One of the largest
firefighter parades in Northeast Pennsylvania will kick off the event. One of
the highlights of Rock Fest is the Blazing Beauty Contest, in which dozens of
models will compete to represent Northeastern Pennsylvania firefighters.
Contestant presentations will be on Friday, preliminary judging on Saturday
and final judging on Sunday.

Special thanks to the people from Chicago and Kentucky who e-mailed me this
week. It’s nice to know people are reading “The Nanticoke Notebook,” both here
in the Nanticoke Leader and on-line. If you would like to e-mail an
announcement, you can send it to [email protected] . You can also call

Nanticoke, PA 18634-2910. It can be news of a meeting, a fundraiser, a bazaar,
or news of a Nanticoke birth, birthday, anniversary. Any Nanticoke news can be
part of the “Nanticoke Notebook.” Until we talk again, have a great week!