Times Leader
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Editor’s Note: To have your announcement published in this column please submit the information to Reunions, The Times Leader, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Email submissions must be sent to [email protected] . Please type “Reunion News” in the subject line. The deadline is each Monday for all copy.
Classes of 1957 will hold a dinner meeting at 6 p.m. on March 27 at Patte’s Sports Bar, 65 W. Hollenback Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Spouses are invited and reservations are not required.
All-class reunion planning committee will meet from 2-4 p.m. today at the Avenue Diner. Representatives of all classes are encouraged to attend. If unable to attend or for more information, call Barbara Russo at 570-654-8670.
Class of 1964 is holding its 50th anniversary reunion weekend on June 20 at Grotto Pizza, Edwardsville, and June 21 at the Genetti Hotel and Conference Center, Wilkes-Barre. Information is needed on the following classmates Perry Ashton, Carole Bach Williams, Cathy Bubble Gregaris, Kay Bleomker, Margie Cheskiewicz Gurdock-Gibbons, Beverly Crosby, Sally Davis, Louise Hockenberry Zarenski, Pamela Knight Smith, Darlene Masters Straus, Mary Schoeller Scott, Joyce Siperko Williams, Susan Smith, William Sneed and David H. Walters. To make reservations or provide contact information, email Dottie Bisher Craig at d [email protected] or Facebook at Forty Fort HS Class of 64.
Class of 1969 will meet at 8 p.m. on April 1 at Alexis Tavern, 1440 S. Main St., Lee Park. Plans for the 45th anniversary reunion will be discussed. All classmates are welcome.
Class of 1951 lunch bunch will meet at noon today at the Avenue Diner, Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming. All classmates are welcome.
Class of 1946 lunch bunch will meet at 1 p.m. on Friday at Vanderlyn’s, Kingston. To make a reservation, call Lois. All class members are urged to attend.
Class of 1974 will hold its 40th anniversary reunion from 6-10 p.m. on July 26 at the Genetti Hotel and Conference Center, Wilkes-Barre. Cost of the event is $50 and includes an open bar, dinner and dancing. Attire is casual. Checks should be made payable to Meyers Class of 1974 and mailed to 14 Dauphin St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702. Deadline is June 30.
Class of 1961 will hold its annual gathering this year on Aug. 17 at the home of Billy James in Jim Thorpe. For more information on the event, contact reunion committee members Regina Plodwick, Sally Groblewski or Bernadine Bavitz.
Class of 1964 will meet at 6 tonight at Kelly’s Bar, 17 Slope St., Plains Township. All classmates are asked to attend. Plans for the 50th anniversary reunion will be discussed.
Class of 1964 will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday at Grotto Pizza, Edwardsville. All are welcome.