Times Leader
EXETER TWP.: The Mount Zion Bicentennial Fire Company of Exeter Township, Mount Zion Road, Harding, will host a free Public Safety Fair from noon to 4 p.m. May 10 for all residents of Exeter Township and surrounding communities.
The following emergency services organizations will be present: the Exeter Township Police Department, the Harding Mount Zion Ambulance Association, the Universal K-9 Search and Rescue with their search dog, “Abbie,” Paramedic Unit 303, and the Mount Zion Bicentennial Fire Company.
There will be raffles, prizes, face painting, pamphlet information and demonstrations throughout the day. The Exeter Township police will provide child identification kits, a free blood pressure screening and information on healthy living.
For directions or further information, contact Wendy Franklin at the Mount Zion Bicentennial Fire Company, 570-388-6266.
WHITE HAVEN: The public is invited to a spring vendor show from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the former Casters Floral Shop, state Route 940, near White Haven.
Venders will include Angels Among Us, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Princess House and Tupperware. There will be handmade items and crafts, lead crystal and pottery pieces, customized skin-care and cosmetics and a discussion on kitchen utensils and decorating ideas.
Casters is located on Route 940 west of White Haven, 2 miles west of exit 273, off state Route 80. Traveling west, the show is on the left side of the highway. An event board will be outside the shop. Plenty of parking is available.
WILKES-BARRE: Temple Israel invites everyone to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel with an afternoon of choral music featuring six local choirs.
The concert will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday in Temple Israel’s sanctuary. The Wyoming Seminary madrigal singers, members of First Presbyterian and St. Stephen’s church choirs, the Temple Israel and Temple B’nai B’rith combined choir, the Jewish community youth choir and the Choral Society of Northeast Pennsylvania will participate.
Admission is free and families are encouraged to attend. Parking is available at Temple Israel and Wilkes University parking lots.
WILKES-BARRE: The Osterhout Free Library, 71 S. Franklin St., is offering a free yoga class from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. May 8.
Instructor Colleen Walsh is a certified yoga teacher who teaches at the Pittston YMCA, the Dance Theatre of Wilkes-Barre, ArtsYouniverse and Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
For further information or to register, call 821-1959. A yoga mat is required.
WILKES-BARRE: The Masonic Temple, Fidelity Lodge No. 655, will host the Lodges of the 12th Masonic District at 7:30 p.m. May 6 at the Masonic Temple, 25 N. Franklin St.
Principal speaker will be William Hardwick, who is a member of the board of governors of the Shrine Hospitals and responsible for 22 hospitals.
All members are urged to attend. Refreshments will be served.