Times Leader
Sunday, September 12, 2004 Page: 2D
This week
& Suites, Pittston. Cost is $25. Sponsored by the Greater Wilkes-Barre,
Greater Scranton, Pittston, Nanticoke, Hazleton, and Carbondale chambers. To
register, contact Jennifer Paolucci at (570) 823-2101 or register and pay
online at www.wilkes-barre.org/calendar.
’ct. 14,
Genetti Hotel & Convention Center, Wilkes-Barre. There will be two networking
mixers, at 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Admission is free with your business card.
To reserve a booth or for information, contact Peggy Nork at (570)823-2101 or
visit www.wbchambertradeshow.org.
ct. 28 at noon at
Edgewood in the Pines, Drums, open to chamber members and guests. Call the
Chamber office at 455-1508.
Send announcements to Dave Janoski, Times Leader, 15 N. Main St.,
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711; e-mail to [email protected] ; or fax to 829-5537.
Include a phone number. The submission deadline is Wednesday for publication